TravelArk 2.0 TODO List
Please have patience while I try to work through the list of incomplete features. I've been working non-stop since mid-Match and I'll need to slow down to keep my sanity.
This list is in rough priority order. I will improve this page and make it votable soon
- doneLost/Forgot password button on the login page
- doneAdd 'Show latest first' on public view of trip entries
- doneImprove meta-data so that pasting links into places like Facebook looks right
- doneContact Lists (and imports of them)
- doneImprove usability on phones/tablets
- doneImprove usability of photo browser (when you click on a photo in an entry)
- doneNotify contact list
- doneChange trip cover photo (the photo that you see in a list of trips)
- doneAbility for others to subscribe to your contact list
- doneAdd navigation bar to the view-entry page.
- doneMaps
- doneShow photo story and comments on lightbox (pop-up box)
- doneGet commenting working
- doneMinor Issues
- doneFix issue where two pictures don't fit side-by-side in an entry
- doneFix issue where changes to comments can appear to "go away" if you switch back and forth between photos
- doneRemove hover controls from iPads on Edit Images page
- doneMapPins now show the [city, country] as a default title
- doneMake sure comment count is kept up to date
- doneMake paste from word look better
- doneFix issue where comment notify was failing if the comment included an emoticon
- doneFix country flag for "other entries"
- Figure out issue with some imported entries with html formatting being cut short
- Make sure country count is kept up to date
- Fix ability to sort photos on ipad (ability to drag and drop)
- doneAdd photo inserting and ability to disable photo weaving
- doneChange profile photo
- doneEdit profile page (i.e. your name, city, hobbies, etc)
- doneImport from Zip file (for late users)
- doneNotify author when comments are posted
- doneMake map pins with no title have a better name in the entry list
- doneMake all kinds of html formatting issues go away.
- doneAllow trips to be manually re-ordered
- doneVideo Uploads
- doneAllow entry location to be set other than to a city
- donePrintable view
- Create a physical book
- Featured photos (for front page)
- Verify auto-save is working
- Title all remaining photos (on upload page)
- Make this Todo page votable and link to discussion boards so people can give feedback
- Ability to change your personal and/or individual trip background image
- Add map to Entry page
- Drag'n'drop ability to sort the entries in a trip
- Ability to change username
- Allow new people to sign up
- Stats pages
- Add easier way to move entries quickly