Enjoying the layover

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Other passengers on my flight from Richmond were visibly worried when the captain announced that there was a maintenance glitch on our flight. I knew we'd take off soon. After all, I had a 5-hour layover ahead of my in Newark. Significant delays only come when you have a tight connection.

When I saw all of the people moving sidewalks here, I thought about a YouTube music video I saw recently produced by a guy when he was (mostly) alone all night in an airport terminal . I wondered if anyone would notice or care if I did something similar in the middle of the day. I decided I would just stick with writing as my expressive medium of choice.

The aluminum security gates in front of Crumb seem to suggest that at least the EWR airport location did not make it successfully through bankruptcy proceedings: another victim of the Great Cupcake Recession of 2014. If you can't get bored, fussy travelers to buy cupcakes, who can you entice? Seriously, if the Duty Free is any indication, there are people wandering these halls willing to plunk down $400 for plastic sunglasses.

Instead of buying overpriced eyewear, I paused briefly in front of the whiskey sample table: Johnny Walker in tiny plastic shot glasses. Hmmm. Interesting, but I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's not legal in VA. I left with two smudges of ridiculously expensive perfume on my wrists. It should have time to mostly wear off before I have to sit in close quarters with others tonight .

I bypassed the meditation room in favor of doing a comprehensive survey of the dining options of Terminal C. Coincidentally, most of the food here appears to be Italian themed: lots of panini, pasta salad, pizza, etc. I didn't want to sully my palette when I was so close to the genuine article, so I decided to try something else. The portion sizes and prices at the dry-aged House of Beef seemed outsized, so I gave that a pass. Ultimately, I was seduced by the inviting aroma of rosemary from the Smashburger outlet. I think I also remember someone saying something good about them at some point. Verdict: pretty good. I'd have liked less oil and more rosemary on the fries, but the burger was juicy and they didn't skimp on the portabellos. They also had three fresh-brewed iced tea options. My receipt is good for a free order of fries if I take a survey. I can't imagine when I'd use it. Still, I have 5 hours. Maybe I'll get the code and hand it to a stranger before departure. You can always use a positive shot of karma on travel days.

Two hours to go. Just saw a sparrow bathing in the water fountain. It's kind of sad to think he may spend the rest of his life here, but he probably has good access to food, water and shelter. It's probably lonely for him though.



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