I board the Deep Blue

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Galapagos, Ecuador
I did not know what to expect booking a 7 day live aboard with the Deep Blue Yacht. My primary goal was to dive with a Whale Shark. I arrived on the boat aboard the luxury 105 foot yacht very surprised.  It was beautiful.  I had a private cabin and was solo on this portion of my trip.  The other scuba divers slowly starting arriving on the yacht.  The majority of them were from Russia and did not speak much English if any. The other person was from Italy and spoke Italian and English. His name is Luca and he will be my dive buddy for the next week.  The Dive Masters spoke pretty good english, but Spanish was their main language and the entire crew was only Spanish.  Laughing at myself, I never expected to be aboard a boat that did not have anyone that spoke primarily English.  
On our first day, we did a checkout dive. The Russian spoke only Russian. When I asked them questions, they did not respond.  The Italian, Luca, worked in Columbia at the Italian embassy and could speak a little English, but I needed to speak in Spanish and use hand gestures to communicate to most of the people on the boat.  it was kind of like diving underwater and trying to communicate full time.
The checkout dive was an easy dive to get acquainted with our equipment. It was a really fun dive. Sea lions swam all around us, diving down to inches from our face and doing acrobatic maneuvers underwater. They quickly became my favorite animal on the island. I feel like they are little kids showing off for the divers. They make noises to the underwater and love to swim to a stop and then burst into a full speed acrobatic move. Just amazing to watch them underwater.
We came back to the port for a couple hours before departing on our journey. I am going on 3 days with little to no food thanks to the Turtle Soup/Montezuma´s revenge. I am supposed to be able to eat at dinner this evening and my stomach is looking forward to it.
In my dizzy state, I left my shoes in the hostel that I stayed the night before. I call the lady from the hostel and tell her that I will be back in one week and ask her to please keep my shoes for me. They are the only ones that I have and my next stop of hiking machu picchu will require them.
We sail at midnight from Isla San Cristobal (San Cristobal Island) towards North Seymore. This will be our first stop. 

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