Flight to Cuzco

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cusco, Peru
My flight from Ecuador to Lima, Peru was good. Upon arriving, I noticed many signs warning travelers to declare any electronics that are relatively new at immigration. Agggh, my bags are packed with electronics for picture taking underwater and a variety of dive gear. I decide to list it in case they choose to charge me for it on the way. Well, maybe not a good decision. I am flagged to meet with the local immigration officer. The officer does not speak much english and we talk in Spanish. He asks me to take out all my items declared. Agggh, with my underwear being my softest clothing, I tend to wrap my cameras in my underwear. So, I have my underwear and all my dive gear laid out on the customs table, he says to me that he must collect a guarantee to make sure that I am not charged on the way out. I get upset with him and tell him that I researched this ahead of time and was told that I am ok. He lets up and decides to let me go without paying anything. As I pack up my electronics and put them back into my bags, he comes back with a few sheets of paper. I wonder what it is. He then asks me if I would not mind doing his English homework for him!!!! I can't believe it. Laughing to myself, I hurry through the questions and pass the papers back to the officer. He thanks me greatly and gives me the necessary papers for me to continue on. Ahhh, my first introduction to Peru....

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