Life Unfolding

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay
I am an avid follower of "The Daily Love" blog by Mastin Kipp. I always enjoy his insights into life, love and happiness. Today, one of the affirmations resonated deeply with me. It states: "I am patient in the unfolding of my life." I need to take that to heart. Now that I'm actually HERE, I immediately expect things to unfold, like, NOW. Where will I live, who will I meet, where will I work? All of these things rumble around in my head like clothes in a dryer. If I think about them too much they make me ill. Hence when I read TDL today, this message really clicked. 

I am here . And I need to soak in every minute. This is a once in a lifetime adventure, and I will not be in this position ever again. Who cares if I don't know what I'm doing next week? It's about the journey, not the destination.

Today my journey lead me to a Montevideo dance club with a few Brazilians and a German dude. Namely, my roommates. I thought we were simply going to walk over to a friend's house to hang out... But instead we ended up hopping in a taxi and arriving at the Kubik Club (the hottest spot in Montevideo, I might add). I was not prepared. I was wearing a sweater and my Ugg boots. If I didn't stand out before simply by being blonde and clearly not of Latin descent, my apparel definitely threw me under the fashion bus. 

I'll interject here to reflect on the immense kindness that I have encountered here. On my flight here I sat next to a lovely woman who gave me her telephone and address and invited me to her house for lunch next week. Last night our cab driver, Carlos, who lived in NYC for 18 years, gave me his number. He works almost every night and said that if I ever needed a cab or was in any sort of trouble to call him. These people are amazing. 

Back to the club... It reminded me of prom. Streamers hung from the ceiling, hand written signs explaining the different bars (Elite Bar, Dino Bar, Wunder Bar - very original), the twinkle lights. It's always interesting to me to go to "hot" spots in different countries. I wondered what they would think if I could transport them to places like Revolver Lounge or Vegas. Regardless, my band of ragtag travelers and I had a fantastic time dancing until the wee hours of the morning. I can now add Montevideo as a place I have seen the pink fingers of dawn creep into the sky before sleeping. 

The next morning... who am I kidding - the next afternoon I got up and ate some lunch. Then Tobi, Douglas and I went for a walk down to La Rambla to see the ocean and get some fresh air. It was a lovely stroll, but very cold! It's apparently a thing here to drive to the beach, never get OUT of your car and drink mate with your bros. Lol - we were all laughing at this strange phenomenon. 

I'm really enjoying my time here and am finally starting to feel secure in my decision to up and leave the life I had planned to live the life I've always imagined. 
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Stacy M

I am so excited each time I turn on my computer and see a need blog. I am so interested in sharing this journey with you, if only through reading your experience. Enjoy every moment and slow down and smell the roses so to speak, love ya!


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