Continuing the Journey

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
"Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey." - Alex Noble

What a great thought . I have to say I've definitely had to change my expectations for success over the last month. Sitting in the U.S., looking ahead to this grand adventure, I knew that I would need to remain pretty flexible throughout the journey. I didn't have any solid plans, but accomplished what I thought were honorable prerequisites. I had become certified to teach English in order to supplement my income while abroad. I had found an initial landing pad at the Academia Uruguay, where I could rev up my Spanish and have a place to sleep. I had saved enough money to ensure that I could drift a bit before I found my purpose. 

I still cannot explain the feeling, the gravitational pull from who knows where or what, that motivated me to leave my life of comfort and ease for this crazy adventure to the unknown. I just knew I had to go. A greater power was guiding me to a greater purpose. I was so sure that because I said YES, the universe would wave its magic wand and *poof!* I would find a job, a place to live, and the answers to all my questions. Well, I'm not THAT naive, but I was pretty certain that the universe would provide. 

In all its mysterious ways, it has. Just not in the ways I was expecting. That's the way the universe likes to work - mysteriously. As I sit here in my little pink house on Barbot Street, drinking my apple flavored tea (delicious, by the way) and watching la vida normal unfold outside my window, I'm incredibly grateful. I'm not sure where to send my gratitude, inwards or outwards, but I think in general it spirals out of and through me; little tendrils that find their way to all of those people that have encouraged, supported and questioned me over the last year. It has not been an easy decision for anyone intimately involved in my life - exciting, yes, but overall tinged with madness. 

Now, from the other end of the rabbit hole, I am so happy that I stepped off the ledge. I'm unemployed, I'm not in a different city than I thought I would be, and I'm going to be moving at the end of the week to Buenos Aires. Nothing looks like I thought it would, and yet I'm exactly where I need to be. I've finally got an aerial view of the road map, and I will continue to undertake this journey. After all - what's life, what's success, without a little mystery?  
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I could have told you all along you should be in BsAs :)


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