Sunday, October 11, 2015
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Everything has a season... Everything changes. You'd think I'd be used to it by now - heck, I'm the one that usually forces the change! But change is never easy. In fact, it's pretty darn hard. 

I've forced change again - quit my job and bought a ticket for another extended adventure . This time to Ireland and Scotland to explore my heritage. It's something I've always wanted to do, and have saved for when I had some time so as not to cram everything in to a two week tour.

Both sides of my family have origins in Scotland. My mother's side boasts the McNaughtons and obviously my father's the McAllisters. Both immigrated to Ireland and then eventually made their way over to North America. My ancestors probably are a large reason why I've always been drawn to the Celtic culture, but regardless of blood ties, I've known I would eventually make my way over to get to know more about these gorgeous and wild countries. 

So here I sit, in the lounge at Chicago O'Hare, questioning my sanity and feeling anxious. Luckily, this isn't my first rodeo and I knew this was coming. Doesn't make it any easier. As Shakespeare so eloquently said, "parting is such sweet sorrow." The dude knew what he was talking about. On one hand, I am beyond thrilled to be leaving for another adventure. On the other, leaving my family, the job I loved and my home seems like the worst decision ever. It's not an easy balance. 

Alas, since I've been here before I know that once I get settled into my new groove I won't regret the decision. The first few steps are always the hardest, and slowly but surely the new becomes the norm. 

Now, sitting in my hotel room in Dublin, after my first full day abroad, I can attest to the validity of that statement. I've flown the coop and getting out sure wasn't easy or fun, but what's to come will make it all worth it in the end. 

Slainte to my new norm! 



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