A long walk back in time

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Today we earned our gelato and pizza. We walked all over Florence; all counted we walked over 11 miles. We saw many historic sites (both common and personal).  
No breakfast at the Borgo today, but Babbo took us to a coffee shop that he knew of from his previous trips to Florence . Everyone got Espressos except Dad, he got a some pastries (he's really letting the diet go on this trip. After breakfast we walked straight over to the Duomo. I couldn't believe how big it was. While the size of it is impressive, as you get closer you start to notice all of the detail on the building. It really is spectacular!  

After the Duomo it was time to eat again. Mom, convinced us to go to the San Lorenzo Market. It was amazing. It was full of different food vendors; Some selling meats, other cheeses or produce.   With all the fresh produce around, Mom was in heaven. While Mom and Dad shopped I sat on the steps outside with Nonna and Babbo. I say sat, but most of the time I was asleep drooling on Babbo. While we were waiting for Mom and Dad to come out, Nonna got pooped on by a bird, and if you know Nonna, you know she hates birds, so you can imagine how happy she was (even though apparently, it is good luck to get pooped on in Italy (if that's the case, Mom and Dad should be the luckiest people around, because I poop on them daily).  

Once we finished our snack, we walked through the nearby leather market (nobody bought anything), on our way to see Mom's school where she studied here. It was neat to see where she stayed and see some of the kids that were studying there now. All was okay, until Mom decided I needed to be changed right in front of the door to the school (seriously?... with all the coeds around). Luckily we didn't stick around too long afterward.

Time for some more food (gotta stay nourished when you walk this much). We walked back across town to Olio & Convivium where we grabbed a bunch of Salumi, cheese and bread (and some veggies for Mom), that we brought back to the flat for lunch.  

When lunch was over, Nonna and Babbo needed a nap, so Mom, Dad and I went for a walk. We walked up to one of the highest points in Florence, the Piazzale Michelangiolo. The views from up there were unbelievable. You can really get an appreciation for the beauty of the city. After a couple pictures we headed back down to meet Nonna and Babbo for dinner.  

 We were all kind of tired after the long day of walking, so we found a really cute place that wasn't too far away and grabbed some dinner. After dinner it was a quick stop for some gelato on the way back to the flat, and then off to bed. 
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Grandma Patty

Being in Florence surely brought back happy college memories for you Mommy.


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