After a great night of sleeping with Mom and Dad (not sure I am going to want to be alone in my crib when I get home), we were ready to go see London. Our first trip out was to get our morning coffee for the 3 caffeine junkies and a donut for Dad (the sugar junky).
Refueled, we got cleaned up in the room and then left the hotel to see what London had to offer us today
. Our first stop was at Trafalgar Square, there were a ton of people here, and I statue of a giant thumb. As we walked through the square we realized why there were so many people; The London 10K was being held today.
From Trafalgar Square we headed through the park to Buckingham Palace (the start and end of the race). It was also very busy here, so we snapped a quick picture and were on our way.
Not too far away in the park, we found a little play area for kids and Mom took me on the swing. We played for a while while Nonna and Dad got drinks and a snack from a nearby stand.
Once they had the their food, we started walking again. We were now headed to a restaurant near the Tower Bridge to have lunch with Carol (one of Ali's Clients who moved to London last year) and her 2 kids, Enzo and Ella. The Restaurant was about 3 miles from where we currently were, but it was along the Thames River and we had plenty of time, so we thought that walking might be a good way for us to see the city
. Along the way we passed Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Gherkin, the London Bridge (not that impressive visually), and finally the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge.
We got to the restaurant a couple of minutes before our friends we were supposed to meet us, which was good, because after the long walk I needed to get a bit cleaned up. Lunch was a bit of a mixed bag; It was great to catch up with friends and the food was good, but the service was terrible. Lunch took over 2 hours, and afterwards we were all a bit tired. Nonna and Babbo, caught a cab and headed back to the hotel, but Mom, Dad and I decided to press on.
Our first stop after lunch was the Tower of London, It was just over the Tower Bridge and Dad just had to see the Crown Jewels. We were really tired and it looked like it might start raining so our trip to the Tower of London was a quick one, in fact all we really saw were the Crown Jewels, and while I must admit they were impressive, I'm not sure it was worth the 50 pounds it cost to get us in
The clouds were starting to darken and I was feeling awfully tired and hungry (we had ran out of the formula that we shipped over for the trip), but we still had one more stop to go before we could head back to the hotel. The only problem was that both the Whole Foods and our hotel were over 2.5 miles away. We decided that we would walk as long as we could stay dry, and catch a cab if it started to rain. I'm sure catching a cab in London once it starts raining shouldn't be too hard.
Mom and Dad walked as fast as I have ever seen trying to get back to the hotel, before either the rain started, or I really started to lose it. We made it to Whole Foods before either could happen (mostly because by this point I was over hungry and tired), so they decided we should just get back to the hotel ASAP instead of stopping to feed me, so we could meet up with Nonna and Babbo. The hotel was only half a mile away, so it really wasn't that much longer for me to wait.
once we made it back, we met up with Nonna and Babbo, and after a quick bottle we went out to grab a quick easy dinner at a nearby burger shop. It was the perfect dinner for a tired group; close, fast, and filling.
After dinner mom and Dad wanted to treat me to some gelato for being such a trooper all day, and of course I obliged. It wasn't exactly like the gelato in Italy, and the guy that served us was acting funny (Dad said he thought he was high, but I'm not sure what him being on platform had to do with him acting all loopy), but it was still sugary and delicious to me.
A short walk to the hotel, and bath and another bottle and I was out like a light. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day.
Exploring London with Friends
Monday, May 29, 2017
London, England, United Kingdom
Other Entries
1Preparing for the big trip
May 1514 days priorLaguna Niguel, United Statesphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1 -
2Hanging out at LAX
May 1514 days priorLos Angeles, United Statesphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 0 -
3First International Flight
May 1514 days priorLos Angeles, United Statesphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 0 -
4We Made it!
May 1613 days priorLondon, United Kingdomphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 0 -
5Brighton Brings out the crazies
May 1613 days priorBrighton, United Kingdomphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 8 -
6People in Europe sleep at the wrong time
May 1712 days priorGatwick, United Kingdomphoto_camera8videocam 1comment 3 -
7Made it to the Borgo
May 1712 days priorBrindisi, Italyphoto_camera25videocam 1comment 1 -
8Another Day in Paradise
May 1811 days priorBrindisi, Italyphoto_camera28videocam 2comment 1 -
9Meglio Di Questo
May 1910 days priorBrindisi, Italyphoto_camera50videocam 13comment 5 -
10Sightseeing in the Rain
May 209 days priorPolignano a Mare, Italyphoto_camera32videocam 0comment 1 -
11Last day at the Borgo
May 227 days priorBrindisi, Italyphoto_camera12videocam 0comment 0 -
12Bello Luong Bimbo
May 227 days priorMatera, Italyphoto_camera28videocam 0comment 9 -
13A long drive through a beautiful country
May 236 days priorScanno, Italyphoto_camera19videocam 0comment 2 -
14A long walk back in time
May 245 days priorFlorence, Italyphoto_camera16videocam 1comment 2 -
15Italian Riviera
May 254 days priorPortofino, Italyphoto_camera17videocam 1comment 1 -
16Trying to see the beauty through the crowds
May 263 days priorCinque Terre, Italyphoto_camera21videocam 1comment 2 -
17Divide and Conquer
May 272 days priorFlorence, Italyphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 1 -
18Florence to London
May 281 day priorLondon, United Kingdomphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 1 -
19Exploring London with Friends
May 29London, United Kingdomphoto_camera10videocam 1comment 0 -
20Ciao Europe!
May 301 day laterLos Angeles, United Statesphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 0