London to Toronto Greetings from Toronto!
A new country for us
. Neither of us has been to Canada, so we are rather excited about the trip. A mere 8 hours in a BA jet, as opposed to 23 for Hawaii last year, meant that we arrived not suffering too much from jet lag. We are staying at the Sheraton Centre Hotel. The location is perfect. Very central, right opposite the City Hall and also part of the PATH underground system. The room is comfortable and spacious. However, we are not so keen on the lobby which is overwhelmingly brown and dimly lit. Atmosphere, I think they call it. Luckily the android phones now have a torch application which came in very handy. As a city hotel, there is no garden to speak but there is a fountain. Well, perhaps it was there attempt, or a homage to the Niagara Falls some 130 km away.
Met up with some friends for dinner at a very nice Malaysian restaurant. (Sorry, no photos!). It's a bit cold, -1oC but they said that it would warm up the next day. More later!
Day 1
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Welcome to Canada! Do you have any plans to go west to Vancouver? Hope you have a wonderful holiday! x
Hello! Sorry I can't be there! I have an event to take care at the end of the week--part of the Japan Foundation project. Drop by the Nichibunken booth and say hello to John Breen, my tutor at Cambridge! You can spend the whole time talking about _me_!
Have a good time!
Oooh - John Breen taught me at SOAS - what's he doing in a Nichibunken booth? Actually, what is a Nichibunken booth? I have visions of it taking those funny photo stickers......but that would seem a bit of left field career choice!
There is a great garden area at the hotel. It is on the second floor and right near the fountaitn/waterfall you mention. Definitely worth checking out.