Two full days with Jeni, Mark and Meredith

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Ronda, Andalusia, Spain and Canary Islands
Happy 4th birthday, Pacey, and Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today is the first full day that Jeni, Mark and Meredith are here with us in Spain. We enjoyed a really late breakfast complete with freshly picked oranges and lemons. Meredith and I had picked oranges and lemons from the tree outside our apartment, such a sunny and warm place in Mijas Pueblo, such a treat to be able to pick our own fruit and to share this time with Jeni, Mark and Meredith. Later in the day, we all went to the Fuengirola beach, a beautiful long and sandy beach. The water in the Mediterranean is freezing, but the sand was hot. Meredith wasn't very happy with the texture of the sand, but gradually got more comfortable with it, and ended up loving it. 
On our second day, we journeyed up to a city in the Sierra Nevada mountains called Ronda . It was a spectacular drive up through the mountains; the new road is an architectural wonder. Ronda itself is famous for La Puente Nuevo (the New Bridge) built in the 1700's, and the oldest, most famous bullring in Spain. We didn't visit the bullring, but the bridge is amazing. It spans a gorge that's over 330 feet deep. This is where we enjoyed our first truly Spanish meals of tapas, paellas and a tomato ensalada, complete with café con leche. And of course, Jen and I began our sangria tasting tour of the Costa De Sol.
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Made the mistKe of reply to your previous email, now I realize how to contact you! Looks like u r having a great time!!!
You r missed!!!
Take care and keep enjoying yourselves!!!

Mike and Nancy

Tom and Fran,
What a great blog and wonderful photos. We want to wish you all the very best as you enjoy your days with your family there in Spain. Happy trails and safe travels. Love, Mike and Nancy


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