The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain - NOT!

Thursday, April 03, 2014
Mijas Pueblo, Andalucia, Spain and Canary Islands
According to Rex Harrison, the actor of "My Fair Lady" fame, the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Nope, it falls on the coast, the hills and the mountains as well. The last few days, we've experienced an unusually cold, wet and windy weather system. Apparently, there's been a sandstorm in the Sahara Desert, that's blown a big dust and sand cloud north across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. England and Wales have very high numbers on their air pollution scales, off the charts, really. Here in Spain though, we're on the edge of the system, and it's coming as rain, cloud, fog and wind. I wish I'd brought some sweats and my flannelette pajamas.
So, we set out to make the best of it each day . We've hiked some pretty spectacular mountain roads in the last few days, as you can see by our pictures. We've found some huge malls, overwhelmingly big, which we left without buying anything. It took us longer to find our way in, with the many traffic circles off the highways and into the parking lots, and tiny parking spaces, than it did to decide we didn't want to buy anything and leave. So big!! But, we did look for Tomy mustard for you, Lisa, couldn't find any, but will keep looking!!
On clear days, we can see the Rock of Gibraltar to our west, and just across the Mediterranean, we can see the mountains of Morocco. We're waiting for a sunny day to visit the Rock, as we'd like to climb the stone steps to the top, and see more than fog and clouds when we get there. As for Morocco, however tempting it may be to catch the local ferry, it's just not safe enough these days for us to risk a visit to their famous markets. Maybe another day?!
So, with our laundry hanging outside for the third day, rain outside on the balcony, Tom reading a good book, with maybe a sherry or two to come, we look forward to another great day exploring Spain, in its many ways, and glad it's not snow! OH! I think I see some blue .. a break in the clouds ...
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We'll keep our fingers crossed that you get some sun if you do the same for us too!


Not to be too nit-picky, but the leading man in My Fair Lady was Rex Harrison, not Christopher Plummer! I remember this because I really like Christopher Plummer and didn't much like the way Rex Harrison treated Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady! I'm catching up on your blogs and see in future entries that your weather got much better :)


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