Special Family Time in England

Monday, April 14, 2014
Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Saturday morning, leaving hot and sunny southern Spain, we flew to warm and sunny southern England for a wonderful visit with family. What a treat to have had three glorious days to share stories, reminisce and laugh, to catch up with each other and to explore a bit of the English countryside.
Sunday morning, we met for a delicious brunch and later, found ourselves walking along the seafront to the Commons, where the four boys and the young-at-heart adults (all of us, of course!) spent the afternoon flying a kite .
Springtime in England truly is spectacular with the flowering almond and fruit trees, the carpets of English Bluebells in the woods, the bright yellow fields of rapeseed, the delicate greens of newly sprouted grains and grasses. We also saw small herds of deer and many pairs of wild pheasant. John and Tom spent an enjoyable afternoon exploring the countryside, with lunch at a local yacht club and a walk along the water.
People living in Portsmouth and Southsea can enjoy such a nice mix of country and city life, with easy access to the sea. I had the added pleasure of knowing that this is the place where my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins have grown up and spent most of their lives. I feel a special closeness to them all as we wander around the city, seafront and country lanes.
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome and hospitality. 'Til we meet again ...!
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Nancy & Mike

We can't tell you how much we have enjoyed your travel blog and pics once again! We always learn so much....once a teacher always a teacher...LOL. And you two look absolutely fabulous. Obviously retirement life is very agreeable. Hope to see you sometime this year. Love and best friends always, Nancy & Mike xxoo


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