Homeward Bound!

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Leaving Walllingford and the Old Schoolhouse B&B, we travelled through more quaint villages and gently rolling hills, eastward towards London. In New Malden, south of London, we met my cousin Paul and family at a local pub. It was good to catch up and exchange news, before we headed back to the airport to drop off the rental car and take a room for the night. We flew out early Thursday morning, and had a full 24 hours of travel time. What a shock it was to arrive home to the snow and cold winds of PEI. Arriving in Charlottetown at midnight, we discovered that the airline had lost our luggage (it was lost for 5 days over the Easter weekend). Hopping into our car (thanks for dropping it off at the airport, family), we saw evidence of the mice that had made a warm nest in the box of Kleenex we'd kept in the car. Getting home at 1am, we found out that we'd had a flood in our basement while we were away. Welcome home!! But, after a good night's sleep, and catching up with family and friends over the Easter weekend, drying and cleaning up the basement, and finally getting our lost luggage, we know that this is where we belong - we are HOME!
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Welcome home. Never a dull moment, away or at home! You are safe and sound however and with a great many wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing. Please feel free to stop in anytime. Barb and James


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