Exploring Reykjavik

Friday, July 06, 2007
Reykjavik, Iceland
Iceland is the northernmost country in the world. It is an island twice the size of Massachusetts just below the Arctic Circle.

Reykjavik holds nearly 200,000 of the country's 300,000 people .

Just imagine trying to build a country which has a unique language out of 300,000 people. The writers, bankers, engineers, doctors, professors, road builders, architects, artists and computer programmers and waitresses all have to come from the same small population.

The country is friendly (anyone up for same late night hot tubbing?), wealthy (a piece of fish in the restaurant costs $55 and a beer is $10), and they love their big cars and trucks.

The wealth derives from the sea.

First, the "cod wars" of the 1970's extended Iceland's control of the North Atlantic from 12 to 200 miles. With the collapse of the fisheries offshore Canada and England, the Fishing fleet is raking it in.

Second, the rain and snowpack that starts with ocean evaporation creates hundreds of rivers and waterfalls that is a seemingly endless source of hydroelectric power. Alcoa just opened in June its first new alauminum smelter in 20 years. It produces 6 billion pounds annually relying on a $3 billion, 600MW hydro plant for its electricity. All the bauxite comes from Australia just to take advantage of the cheap power!

Iceland has recycled its wealth into high quality free education and healthcare and supports an active arts and culture scene. Reykjavik is becoming known as the #1 clubbing spot in all of Europe!



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