Family Time

Saturday, August 27, 2016
Meridian, Mississippi, United States
We had breakfast in the hotel then headed up to Center Hill for the Rogers Reunion at Chet's shop. We had a great time visiting with lots of people. I did not get around to talking with everyone, but did get to visit some with Lou Ella, Janet, Chet, Connie, Dawn, Yvonne, Dinah, Zena, and the only person I knew very well before, Lisa.

Chet was a great host and provided a beautiful spread for lunch supplemented by pot luck dishes shared by many . I don't know who all helped provide the lunch. It was delicious.

Phil was able to visit with the oldest generation members, Lou Ella and Janet, so they could corroborate some of his research. Lou Ella and Zena had old photos and memorabilia to show, including a math notebook written in the early 19th century. We have copies of some of the photos and stories to go with the research that make the people much more interesting.

After the reunion, Chet offered to take us to see the Mount Carmel Cemetery where Lillie and Benny Rogers and others in the family are at rest. We also stopped by the Fellowship Baptist Church Cemetery where Chet's grandparent's, Novella and Alton Joyner, are buried. The drive took us by the original Rogers' property where Lou Ella and Zena live now and a few other places that had changed so much that they would be unrecognizable to Benny and Lillie.

We headed back to the hotel about 5 p.m. after a full day learning about the family and reconnecting with them.



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