We drove a little bit farther today than we usually do in one day. Made it to Childress for the night after stopping for lunch in Tucumcari at Kix on 66. It had shown up on one of the lists of good restaurants in the state, but I don't remember where I saw it. The lunch was good, but not outstanding. On this route, it is unusual for us to stop to eat before we get to Amarillo, but thought we'd give it a try. It looks like it used to be a Denny's.
After checking in at the Hampton, we went to Top Notch Texas for a barbeque dinner. Seems like all we did today was drive and eat. I did much of the driving while Phil worked on grading papers. We'll get to Dallas tomorrow.
Driving Halfway
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Childress, Texas, United States
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