Looking for Ancestors

Monday, April 03, 2017
Mount Pleasant, Texas, United States
After breakfast in the hotel, we checked out and left for Mount Pleasant about 9:30. Morning rush hour traffic had died down by then, and we got through Dallas fairly smoothly. We arrived in Mount Pleasant about two hours later. 

We found the town square and the Titus County Courthouse before they closed for the noon hour and went in to look through birth, death, and marriage records . One of the clerks on duty showed us the ledgers that she had for the late 19th and early 20th centuries and let us browse by ourselves in the storage room. She used her computer to look through some indexes, too, that made our search a little easier. We photographed the certificates that we found. Copy machines are too hard on those huge books .

After searching, mostly successfully, for the people Phil knew were living in that county, we walked to lunch at the Our Special Place Tea Room. When we first went in, I thought we had found the wrong place. The front of the business is a retail gift and trinket shop. But looking toward the back, we found the restaurant. It had some nice soup, salad and sandwich choices and well as homemade desserts.

We drove through town a bit after lunch and to the city library where we found a few more records that Phil thinks are valuable to his research. Afterwards we went to the Concord Cemetery to tromp around looking for Storys and Byrds. We found a few.

After checking into another Hampton Inn, we asked the desk clerk for ideas for dinner. One of the places she suggested was Outlaws Barbeque. Hmm? That sounded good. Can't ever get too much barbeque. 



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