Today was all about wandering through cemeteries. We also stopped by one more library, the Daingerfield Public Library, where we found two chatty and helpful librarians right before they closed for lunch. The older one gave Phil directions to one of the cemeteries that we could not find on a map.
We walked the Clark, Daingerfield, Bradfield Chapel, Naples, Wilder, and Spring Hill Cemeteries finding a few ancestors and some more distant relatives in each one
. The last cemetery we saw was the Loving Cemetery right next to Spring Hill. Its sign said that it was established in 1958 so we did not walk through thinking that none of the people we were looking for lived that long. However, we thought later that perhaps we should have stopped in since sometimes graves are moved long after first established to move families together or for other reasons. We were tired though so that was enough for one day.
We returned to the hotel and had dinner there since they put out a small buffet on weeknights. They were serving Tex-Mex and that was just fine for our dinner after the long day.
Seven Cemeteries in One Day
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Mount Pleasant, Texas, United States
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