Ready to go
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Osaka, Kinki, Japan
For a seven hour flight we found it to be suprisingly comfortable and the time passed quickly . It makes a difference when the plane is new and modern with soft seats and plenty of mod cons. Jetstar you have improved your status in my eyes.
We arrived in Osaka on time and found the free shuttle bus with barely a hitch. So far so good. It was a very short drive to the hotel. We were staying out near the airport ready for a domestic flight the next morning. Kansai airport holds an impressive location in the midst of Osaka Bay. As we travelled on the bridge across the bay to the mainland our hotel emerged as a solitary monolith over fifty storeys high. The same imposing structure we had seen from the air half an hour ago. Welcome to Japan!
Taking in the view from the cocktail bar on 54th floor was a great way to end the day. In the morning while enjoying breakfast on the same floor we could check out the view in detail and really appreciate the idea of building a man made island to create an airport where there is no land left to build it on. Even more impressive was the drive back to the airport on the bridge in the daylight. I remembered how much fun it was to see and discover new things in foreign lands. I was ready for my adventure!
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