Last Days in the place of Last Days

Saturday, December 20, 2008
V aranasi, India
Well, I've made it to the beach in the south. I thought I'd make an entry from the past- Or from the future?- to detail the last part of my Varanasi gig, but I know I won't make it to a computer for a couple of days at least, so I'll try to summarize everything from the present...

The last couple of days in Varanasi were sweet . I hung out with the boys, and I got Chottu a camera. He was thrilled, or flummoxed, or both. Not sure. It was the best gift I've ever given anyone. We went back over to the other side of the river with a whole group of kids and he took a whole bunch of photos.

Oh, the power just went out here. Wonder if it's going to affect the internet speed... Obviously they have a battery.. Hm.. This entry may be very, very short if the computer battery beeping doesn't stop.

Actually... Sorry, all, but I'm just going to upload some photos from Varanasi and get out of here. With no electricity other than the computer battery, this room has become intolerably hot (no fan) and I have to get out... Time to jump in the ocean to cool off.

Love y'all




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