And into New Mexico

Friday, May 15, 2015
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Well now I know why breakfast the other morning was labelled "Deluxe" - this morning we had paper plates and plastic knives and forks. I pressed a button on a machine, and out came a pancake less than a minute later. Watching the news, we were pleased we weren't a day later taking this trip - it snowed overnight on the I-40 around Flagstaff. That would have been fun to drive through!

We got away this morning before 8 .30 and headed for the southern entrance to the Petrified Forest National Park (and some of the Painted Desert). We spent 3 hours here - it was fabulous, even though it was cold and windy. Then it was along the I-40 all the way to Albuquerque. It started raining a little bit when we hit the border with New Mexico, but the amazing mountains made up for a bit of rain. Oh and it got down to 5 C at Gallup! A bit chilly for us Queenslanders.

We passed an exit named "Continental Divide" shortly after getting into New Mexico - so from now on the rivers flow east I presume.

However, approaching Albuquerque, just as were about to turn off to the Petroglyph National Monument, it started pouring down. Plus lightning and thunder. So we exited the freeway to reset the satnav on the tablet (the satnav is called"Here").

Tonight's motel is in Central Ave (used to be Route 66). Too wet to walk far - so we went to the diner next door. Tonight I had salmon on a very interesting succotash, washed down with a margarita.

I took over 50 photos - hard to choose which ones to publish!
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Tess Walsh

It is so desolate, Anne. Are the interstate roads you are going on new roads, or do they follow the Route 66 road?


Sometimes the I-40 runs parallel to Route 66 (for a while in California). Sometimes the I-40 is directly on top of Route 66 (east of Flagstaff); and sometimes the I-40 takes the straightest route (e.g. it doesn't go through Santa Fe which was on route 66 and is 50 miles or so north of Albuquerque.)


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