Via the Extraterrestrial Highway to Tonopah

Friday, May 22, 2015
Tonopah, Nevada, United States
I thought today was going to be along boring drive. It was long alright (over 381 miles/608 kms) - but not boring. We got away early (7.40) and it was a clear blue sky. I knew the Red Desert was coming up, as we were backtracking to highway 89. Then we drove alongside the meandering river again (I may have forgotten to mention it yesterday) - the Sevier River. Headed for snow - but we'll turn west soon.

I started making notes and ended up with nearly 2 pages of scrawl . Now I can't figure it all out!
The first thing I noted was the 80 mph speed limit on the I -15. Bryan commented that it was the first time he could legally drive at 128 kph - and for 35.8 miles (57 km) too!

We turned west on the 56 at Cedar City and went up and down a few ranges - seemed to go down to about 4,000 ft then up 5,500/6,000 several times. No cultivation until we reached Newcastle - plenty of irrigation and crops, and cattle, from here to Beryl Junction.

We crossed the border into Nevada at 10.11am, mileage was 8,000.3, it was 15C - and we were listening the The Who singing "Squeezebox". Not far to Panaca - I'd read in someone's blog that they had a great bakery and it was a good place to stop. Over Panaca Summit, 6,719 ft, and rolled into "town" (founded in 1864, 4,742 ft, and population 963 in 2010). Well we couldn't find a bakery, and were told there wasn't one - so much for my research! Very green around here and some small white hoodoos - not sure if these were geological or just from mining .

I decided we needed to stop for coffee at Caliente, because I didn't think there was much in the way of townships after that). And we found a great cafe "Brandin' Iron". Veronica, the proprietor's daughter, was a breath of fresh air. We just had bottomless cups of coffee (a whole 95cents each) and I had a pancake with maple syrup (another $1.50) - and an enjoyable conversation. We left there at 11.31. We didn't notice the earthquakes.

Next we went through Dry Lake Valley (so my notes tell me). Better hurry and finish this ...

We got on to the Extraterrestrial Highway (the 375) about 20 past 12. Here is a link to the town of Rachel - read the history section, and then UFO sightings.

This road is so straight! We measured one straight stretch at about 16 miles/26 kms. There is just no conception of distance - just goes on and on. No way of guessing how far it is to 'the end'. After a few curves we measured another stretch - 15 miles then a slight curve and another 10 miles. The next stretch was 13.6 miles.

It was a 7 hour drive, including the 40 minute stop. We got into Tonopah just before 3pm. Missed the rain. Tonight we're staying at a casino again.
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the long straight roads sounds like you are crossing the Nullabor.


I was wondering about that Lesley. I knew the Nullabor was straight. Is it dead straight? Another thing for me to google.


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