
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Strasbourg, Alsace, France
The train trip from Nimes to Strasbourg had to be via two TGVs as ours was cancelled. We only had a few minutes to change in Lyon (here again!) And nearly came unstuck due to the French pronunciation of G and J. The platforms aren't numbered, they have a letter. And the announcement re connecting trains wasn't made in English. I asked the people around me if it was J and several people said yes. But in fact it was G - Bryan spotted it on the board, and a French lady said "follow me".

Arrived in Strasbourg . The hotel was just across the square, so took no time at all to book in and get settled in. Rather a posh hotel for us - a glass lift! By coincidence, Tess and Michael were also staying at this hotel (they arrived yesterday). But before meeting them, it was exploration time ....

I took my spray jacket and my umbrella as it looked like it might rain later. We turned left, next left, across the bridge - and the next minute the heavens opened. With hail! We were lucky enough to be near an inset shop window. About the width of a door and 6 inches deep. We sheltered in there, and the wind blew in the right direction and we stayed dry. What an exciting welcome.

The rain eased up and we carried on walking, but there was still enough rain to soak through spray jackets. Gave up after an hour. Met Tes and Michael and spent the next 4 hours exchanging holiday stories at the brasserie next to the hotel.

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Laurie Stanton

Love your travel stories Anne, we are on our way next Sunday.


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