You say Felucca, I say Felocca

Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Luxor, Luxor Governorate, Egypt
After a little lie in we left our hotel to board a felucca - the single sailed boats that are mainly used for transport. They are very shallow bottomed boats with a heavy cloth 'ceiling'. The base is covered in thin mattresses. You can't stand upright so essentially you sit or lie down for your journey which in our case was for most of the day. I thought I would go crazy but I loved it. It was so peaceful and smooth tacking from side to side across the Nile. We docked for lunch then went for a swim. It was pretty bloody cold in the river but once you acclimatised it was great. We continued sailing for the rest of the afternoon. We told jokes and embarrassing stories and had a lovely time. The group is really good. Usually there is someone who creates a few problems but everyone gets on so well. Mayer is managing us all very well. I don't think he can quite believe his luck with how well our group has bonded.
On the river occasionally a giant cruiser would chug past . These are big boats, three or four levels high. Essentially they are floating hotels. You can get a hotel anywhere but how often can you get the chance to sail on board a felucca? I wouldn't trade the felucca day for anything luxurious. Loved it!
We docked toward evening as the feluccas are unable to sail after dusk as they don't have lights and would create problems with the cruisers and other vessels. We had dinner then all sat around and chatted. It was very pleasant. Then bed time. We all had to bed down on the base of the felucca with blankets. Mike was unable to settle so he went onto the support boat and slept on the stairs. It got pretty cold. I had my beanie and gloves on and was barely warm enough. After initially going to bed we could hear moaning. I'm used to the noises Mike makes with his pain which is especially bad at night, but the others aren't. I had to clamber off the felucca to check on Mike who was crumpled up on the stairs with his headphones on. He didn't realise how loud he was. He gradually settled and slept a few hours. I slept till about 4.30, checked on Mike who was ok. Could not get back to sleep but it was really lovely lying on the felucca listening to the call to prayer echoing in from various spots along the river. After breakfast we got off the boats and back into the van.
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