Getting There

Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Tambon Nong Prue, Chang Wat Samut Prakan, Thailand
Arrived at Melbourne airport nice and early, thank you very much John and Eileen! Much better than arriving at the last minute. Four hours to kill but we managed it. Had a coffee and Mike tried to catch a few Pokemon but not overly successful, only capturing Pidgey.
Whilst wandering around I discovered that book three of the Passage trilogy is out ....I've been waiting for two years, so purchased it on the spot.
Getting there sooo early meant great seats. Exit row, loads of leg room. A huge guy came in to take up the third seat. He would have been 6'8" or 9". Not heavily built but broad. He was wedged very tightly in that seat so he asked what else was available and off he went to some kind of Thai Airways economy Shangri-La, never to be seen again.
Everything was in place for a great flight...until two total arseholes sat behind us. Absolutely determined to get pissed, they were loud and had no respect for anyone around them. I put in earplugs and then the crappy headphones over the top but it didn't help much at all.They made it a bloody long flight but at least I could get stuck into my book.
We had a brief stop in Bangkok then boarded our flight to Phnom Penh. Uneventful apart from the breakfast box we were each given. It contained two pastry items, one sweet, one savoury. The sweet item was an almond cake dripping with fat but quite edible. The savoury item was like a strange soggy sausage roll. It had some finely chopped meat...maybe pork, maybe chicken, maybe not either. It was ghastly. If I didn't eat it, you know it was bad! Mike managed to eat his, I really am not sure how. Airline food has a terrible reputation but we've had reasonably acceptable food with Emirates and Singapore but Thai airways has been consistently bad.
The flight only took 55 minutes and before we knew it we were landing into the steamy loving arms of Cambodia.

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