LHR - Gatwick - Malta!

Friday, May 08, 2015
Stanwell, England, United Kingdom
Touch down at 6:40 and 6 min of taxiing later we come to a stop to be ushered onto a bus. Long wait for said bus - 30 min later finally made it to the terminal. Immigration was pretty painless, followed by a jaunt to the BA lounge for quick shower and brekkie. A forest of showers at the lounge a bit in need of TLC but did the job.
Now waiting for car ... which D is not quite sure has been booked since there's no confirmation and no call for 8:30. Plan B is to take the coach, hopefully this is not the start of Derek's travel pox.
Good news! transfer to Gatwick via coach is a v respectable 60 mins - not much traffic to speak of. Chilly in London today even with my jacket & scarf. Checked in, wandered around, discovered that most of my pound notes are no longer legal tender here which is a royal pain in de arse. Bought some snacks despite all this - and flight is boarding 10 min early!
Seat 2a on air malta flight 117, scheduled departure 11:55, actual departure 12:05, landed 16:45 - Malta is 1 hour ahead of UK. After a painful delay at immigration and a quick luggage pick up, off to the hotel in a Hertz rented Black Kia at 17:30 ish.
Arrived at the hotel an hour later (including a couple of inadvertent detours) - Radisson Bleu at Golden Sands is a huge resort with three towers, a handful of restaurants and a private beach. Met up w Mama-san, an ok Italian at Aliolio and a quick walk thru the beach ... in bed by 22:00.

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