First night on the road

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Abbeville, Picardy, France
Well, we got here eventually.
I started driving from the Tunnel terminal. However Martin wasnt happy with navigating with the Garmin, and we got a bit off route. Not his fault actually, as the map I have got, doesnt process the routing properly. I've raised the problem with Cloud, but so far no resolutoion, so we get an inaccurate route given. Which is why we went off course. Even after Martin took over the driving, I managed to take us off route. You'll note that I didnt say we got lost, because we always knew where we were.
Eventually we got to Abbeville, and checked iinto the hotel for the night. Quick meal, with a welcome beer, calls to home to check on the families, and now its off to bed. Ready for an early start tomorrow. We had a discussion about what time the sun rises here, which together with aadapting things for euro time/GMT we have no idea what time to get up.

However, thats another day!
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