Home at last

Friday, January 07, 2011
Bedford, England, United Kingdom
Final run.
Left early, as usual,
I had some difficulty with the gears, getting past the lack of, not very good synchromest . On the way down it wasnt a problem, but I just seemd to have lost the knack.
We'd rebooked the Tunnel last night, so that's all we really had to aim for. In the event, we got to the tunnel earlier than we'd expected, so we managed to get straight onto the train, and across.
The authorities wnated to see the passports at both booths this time, the first time we've shown them on the whole trip apart from supporting credit card transactions
The train wasnt very full, in fact every alternate carriage was empty. Off the other side and straight into rain. I managed to regain cobntrol of the gears and drove most of the way on the UK side. Quick run home, stopping for lunch at the Dartford services.

And thats it

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