We left Madrid somewhat reluctantly and headed south towards Andalucía without any particular intentions of stopping except for a quick snack. Not long out of Madrid though and you're in La Mancha - Don Quixote and windmill country. We just turned off the freeway, more-or-less at random fancying a bite to eat and found ourselves in the small picturesque town of Manzanares. True, it did have a tourist office, but no English language information and little help from the counter clerk who’s English was marginally worse than my Spanish. Despite the Don Quixote themed gifts in a few shops, I would doubt that too many tourists stop here. Wondering down a small alley though we came across "Los Rosales" offering La Mancha-style cooking. The owner looked a little apprehensive as did we, but as we seemed to be the only eating (as opposed to drinking) patrons that lunchtime and he indicated that his waitress could speak a little English (which she couldn’t), we gave it a shot. We then spent a couple of delightful hours there trying out the local delicacies (we had no idea in advance what we were choosing) and emerged into a “ghost town” – not a person to be seen. Here at least, “siesta” is alive and well!
On to Granada
. We knew that we’d be in for a treat, not just because the Alhambra, described as the “best preserved medieval Arab palace in the world” is the most popular tourist attraction in Spain, but we had also managed to book two rooms in one of the palaces in the complex that has been turned into a small hotel (parador) – according to the guidebook, a near impossible feat! What also turned out to be a near impossible feat, was trying to find the way in. The directions provided by the hotel took us on to the campus of Granada University. The car’s GPS took us to the area of the Alhambra, but then following signposts to the hotel got us to the complex’s main car park, but not through the promised security gate to the hotel itself. Finally, going the wrong way down a one way street, past a security barrier and along a foot path, we were within the walls of the Alhambra itself. The complex is actually a walled town, with several palaces, churches, gardens, a few private houses…..and our hotel. Just one more security gate to get through and we were in the hotel’s parking lot or rather a courtyard with a lot of cars in it! The few hotel staff were as frazzled as the guests, but few minutes of soaking up the breathtaking surroundings (a bottle of wine helped also!) calmed everyone!
No words that I could write would do this place justice
. By being able to stay within its walls, we were able to experience the Alhambra and its stunning gardens at dusk, under an (almost) full moon, at dawn and in brilliant hot sunshine. Not surprisingly, our guide who is there most days says that she could never tire of the place as the sights and sounds are constantly changing. Even during the day when there are masses of visitors mostly being guided around in groups linked to their leaders through headsets, the Alhambra is awe-inspiring. There’s still much renovation and restoration on-going and much of the damage caused in the early 19th century by Napoleon’s army is unrepairable. But what does remain is this unique Moorish-turned-Christian complex. Buildings created by the Arabs that dominated this part of Europe for centuries, then later modified by Spanish kings
A night to remember! Take a look at the pictures, but add the Alhambra to your list of places to see before you die!
A Night in the Palace
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Granada, Andalusia, Spain and Canary Islands
Other Entries
Apr 0610 days priorBay of Biscay, Francephoto_camera4videocam 0comment 11 -
2Spanish pillows and a pet size Yorkshire
Apr 088 days priorLuey, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera18videocam 0comment 9 -
3All Tapas’ed Out
Apr 142 days priorMadrid, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 7 -
4A Night in the Palace
Apr 16Granada, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera19videocam 0comment 9 -
5Cordwainers and mezuzot
Apr 204 days laterCórdoba, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 1 -
6Following the Man with the Red Flag
Apr 226 days laterSeville, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera43videocam 0comment 6 -
7Rock On
Apr 259 days laterGibraltar, United Kingdomphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 4 -
8Spain……It’s Not!
Apr 2913 days laterLisbon, Portugalphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 6 -
9On the Road In Morocco
May 0620 days laterMarrakech, Moroccophoto_camera43videocam 0comment 4 -
10May 07, 2011
May 0721 days laterPorto , Portugalphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
11Seductive With Real Refinement*
May 1125 days laterSalamanca, Spain and Canary Islandsphoto_camera24videocam 0comment 5 -
12At home with the Windsors
May 1529 days laterEgham, United Kingdomphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 9

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Lyn Benson
Simply beautiful. I love your blogs David, I feel like I am there with you. Keep enjoying yourselves. xxxx
mary ann prochowski
breathtaking can't wait till i get there, one day!
What beautiful photos. Another place to add to my bucket list. Turning off main roads seems to be the best for finding unique spots. Thanks for the updates. Makes me want to visit again and soon.
Carla Carrière
Don't forget to visit Córdoba on your way to Sevilla. It can be done in one afternoon and certainly worthwhile.
Kim Lovell
What a spectacular place! I love your Blog and pictures. Your trip looks like and awesome adventure!
Karen Hernandez
Hello all, I look forward to reading the next adventure along your trip path. Alhambra has been on my list but seeing your pics made it seem more wonderful. Have fun!
Eve and Den
Alhambra Palaces must have been a most enjoyable and memorable
experience,the food the places the people in Spain seems the place to go
Continue your adventure and have fun, thanks for the update
Carla Carrière
Enjoy your Semana Santa in Sevilla.... hope the weather clears up. Is quite spectacular. Look forward to see the pictures.
Love Carla