More Rain - And an Exit

Thursday, November 18, 2021
Placencia, Stann Creek District, Belize
More rain, food, drinks, yada yada yada.  That could be the extent of this entry, but I'll elaborate a wee bit.  Tons of rain.  We found a big crab in the lake pretending to be a street in front of our place.  By the time the final torrential overnight downpour was done, the water on the street in front of our cottage was past ankle deep.  Made for an interesting exit wading through with our luggage when the golf-cart taxi came to pick us up for the 3 minute drive to the airport on Wednesday.  Before that we had already slogged through the water to go out for breakfast at Caribbean Colors again.  And of course there was another downpour while we were there, which hadn't totally let up when we had to go home, so I really didn't dry out all day, as we were already completely packed. Other than the rain, highlights of our last couple of days on CC were a fresh fish dinner (whole hogfish) back at Pelican Sunset Bar and listening to Andrew Kingston again at the Sports Bar happy hour.
Our flight to Belize City was about 10 minutes late on Wednesday morning--the weather was causing problems all over.  When it did come, there were 3 of us on the flight.  Which was a good thing because there were only 3 seats, including the co-pilot seat.  I have been in a lot of small planes, but this (Cessna t182t Skylane) was even smaller than the DH Beavers that I have flown in before.  We had almost 3 hours to kill before our flight to Placencia, so we headed up to Admiral's bar and had some drinks and burgers and then went for a bit of a walk, since the weather had cleared up a bit.  Finally they called our flight.  Turns out we were on the cargo milk run.  There were 4 of us on the flight & the rest of the seats (6) were taken up with cargo, as were all of the available cargo holds.  The flight stopped in Dangriga, just for cargo loading/unloading, then on to Placencia, where 3 of us got off, before heading on to Punta Gorda.   Anyway, we were at our cottage on the beach in the village (Coconut Cottage) by about 3:30 and the weather was MUCH better here.  Headed over to the Pickled Parrot, a favourite (actually "favorite", if you get my meaning) bar for ex-pats and long term visitors, for a couple of drinks, then off to Ming's Supermarket to pick up a few groceries, then back to the Pickled Parrot for a tasty chicken parm special and some interesting conversation with our bartender and some of the few patrons remaining after Happy Hour.



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