Movin' On Down the Road

Thursday, November 20, 2014
San Ignacio, Cayo, Belize
So a lot has happened since my last post. A lovely evening, so we went for dinner at Pasta per Caso, a little hole-in-the-wall that makes wonderful fresh past dishes, then a wander around town. The rains came back with a vengeance overnight but stopped by mid-morning, so we went out and explored some paths on the island that we hadn't been down yet. Then we went for lunch somewhere well-covered (just in case) at Rainbow grill. In the evening we headed out early to the Sports Bar to hear some live entertainment from Valentino. The rains came back when we were halfway there but we had umbrellas--still got pretty wet. Stayed for one set and then over to Caulker Pizza for out last meal on the island. (The rain had stopped by then) Greg, who owns Caulker Pizza, is a major character. Of course I wouldn't believe half of what he says, but he is entertaining! Pizza was pretty good too. Then headed home to finish packing. More rain and wind overnight. Glad we weren't taking the water taxi to the mainland in the morning. We has arranged for a taxi (golf cart with plastic flaps on the sides) to take us the 3 minutes to the airport in the morning. Rain and wind let up before our plane arrived, so flight to Belize Municipal airport was not a problem. We had arranged for a ride to San Ignacio with William at Belize Shuttle and our driver, Danni, met us at the plane. We had arranged to stop at the Belize Zoo for a couple of hours on the way to SI. The zoo is quite unique. All the animals are native to Belize and are mostly orphaned and rescued animals" and they are kept in as close to their native habitat as possible. It really is a neat place.
Then, after the zoo, things got a bit messed up. When I had booked the trip with William, I had told him where we were staying, a little rental cabana called Kiskadee out on Bullet Tree Road on the edge of town. He never asked for any more details so I assumed he knew where it was. Well, he didn't know and Danni didn't know and neither of them bothered to find out before picking us up! So we stopped at a cafe with WiFi so I could get the map from FlipKey--because I had booked through FlipKey I didn't have a contact phone number for the manager. Well the map turned out to be wrong, Danni obviously didn't know how to read a map, anyway, because she kept taking us way off the road onto side streets despite our insistence that it was right on Bullet Tree Road. Then back into town to try emailing the owner to try to get a phone number. Anyway after about 2 hours, we finally found the place. No one was around and fortunately I had read about Tootsie, the very friendly "guard dog", who came to meet us at the gate So I opened the gate and went and found the key in the door and we moved in. Then we picked up a few things at the grocery store nearby and wandered into town, a 15-20 minute stroll, and had a nice lunch/dinner at Fuego restaurant and then caught a cab back for a early night. Lots more about the Kiskadee and San Ignacio to come.
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did you find a pooltable yet.ILMAO


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