Snorkeling at Laughing Bird Caye
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Placencia, Stann Creek, Belize
Well, after waiting around for a few days trying to get out snorkeling at the Silk Cayes and hanging around at various tour companies hoping for the weather and at least 2 other customers, we finally got a couple of other people who wanted to go out to Laughing Bird Caye with Ocean Motion Tours. It's not as long a boat ride (about 30 minutes) and in some ways is nicer. The Caye is a National Park (as are the Silk Cayes) and you snorkel right off the beach. Plus there is a nice beach for lounging around on and eating lunch between snorkels. Our captain, Lennox, took good care of us on the way out and our guide, Sonny, was excellent, pointing out all kinds of things that we would not have seen, including a really giant lobster.
We had to cut our day a bit short as Lennox saw some weather coming in an we high-tailed it back to the village, only getting hit with a bit of rain along the way. By the time we got back to our cottage, though, the skies had cleared and the water was glassy. If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change! All in all, a really good day (except that the internet is down and I can't post this).
Internet just came back up as we got back from dinner at the Pickled Parrot, but with pizza ordered in from Rick's Cafe--a very civilised arrangement since Rick's doesn't have a liquor license.
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