Beach to Beach

Sunday, December 07, 2014
Hopkins, Belize
On Thursday, our last day in Placencia, we went for a wander over to the lagoon side of town. Lots of high-end development going on along the various canals that cut in from the lagoon. Another great dinner, this time at Mojo Lounge Restaurant and Bartique. The fish was excellent. Friday was travel day, about an hour and a half drive up the coast to Hopkins. It would take less time if there was an actual road into the village--it is one giant construction zone. Anyway , we got there safely but just as we arrived, our driver got a phone call from Kay, our landlady in Placencia, that we had left a pair of my glasses and one of Carol's shirts. I still don't know how I missed them--I must have checked the cottage a dozen times while we were sitting waiting for our drive. So, Kay is going to put them on a plane to Belize International and we will pick them up when we are on our way home on Thursday. We hope. While we were sorting all of this out, we discovered that one of the ceiling fans in our cabana was not working, so we had to move over to the next one. (I, of course, had dumped the contents of my bags on the bed to try to verify that I was missing a pair of glasses, so I had to stuff everything back in to move next door.) It was a lovely day so we went exploring a bit and ended up at Windschief Beach Bar for lunch (fish and chips) and a little relaxing on the beach. Then did a little shopping and got settled in before heading out for a disappointing dinner at Frog's Point, a restaurant right around the corner that had come highly recommended. Oh well, can't win 'em all. While we were eating, the rains started. We made it home between showers but overnight there was another deluge. In the morning, it seemed to be clearing so we decided to take the bikes (rented from the property) out to explore the village. Well, at the best of times it is difficult navigating the potholes on the unpaved roads of Hopkins. With that much water on the ground it was a real challenge. We rode down to the south end of the village, where a lot of the larger resorts are situated, and then headed back to go and check out the north end of town. Then the rain started again. Not heavy, but just enough to make it miserable riding. When we got back to our cabana, we ditched the bikes and headed out on foot, armed with umbrellas and jackets. The rain started and stopped several times as we made our way to the far north end of the village to the Driftwood Beach Bar and Pizza Shack. The rain stopped and we had a very good pizza and sat at a table on the sand an watched a group of girls playing volleyball for a while. In the evening, Brian, our landlord at Latitude Adjustment, drove us down to the south end of town and we listened to some Garifuna drumming at Loggerhead's, a burger joint owned by the same people as the Driftwood. Then we were going across the street to watch Steve, a friend of his, who was playing at another bar, but he was outside and the rains had come again so he was rained out. So we went to another place across the street (another friend of his) for a drink, and finally over to Chef Rob's (another friend), who has what is supposed to be the best restaurant here, and had a drink with him. We'll check out his food on Tuesday. Kind of neat making the rounds with a resident expat who knows everybody. And we managed to stay up past 11 o'clock!
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Bob Bain

We saw the Garifuna Collective with Dany Michel last year .. .they were great.
Looks like you are having very relaxing vacation.


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