Drinking our way around Dublin
Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
Monday, travel day. We had no problem getting from Anstruther in Fife to the Glasgow Airport. I had left lots of extra time to allow for getting lost (again) but had no difficulties at all and got to the airport very early, so sat & had lunch & planned some of our Ireland agenda. As soon as we got through airpot security, the sole on my running shoe (only pair with me) let go and was flopping around the rest of the day as we schlepped our bags around--I had to be very careful not to fall on my face,
Our flight (Aer Lingus) was about half an hour late but otherwise uneventful. We caught the 747 bus (not picking up the car 'til we leave Dublin) downtown right to the block for our hotel, the Dublin City Inn.
Checked in and cleaned up a little and headed out to the Temple Bar area for some food & music.
We had a very good meal the Storehouse Bar and listened to some good music.
When the set ended, it looked like it was taking a while for the next duo to get set up so we wandered out and checked out a bunch of different bar and musicians in the area. Also saw a lot of really god street musicians playing all kinds of different music. We got home just after dark, i.e. around midnight--the amount of daylight is bizarre! Next day we grabbed the map for the hop-on, hop-off bus and set out to visit most of the sights from the map on foot.
The City Centre in Dublin really is compact. Along the way I bought a new pair of running shoes to replace the ones that disintegrated on me. We had glorious weather for our time in Dublin, hot and sunny--I had to be careful not to get sunburned. Did the Guinness tour and the Jameson tour as part of our cultural orientation.
We also happened to see a seal in the River Liffey, which separates the North and South sides of Dublin, and it was catching fish--apparently it's not that uncommon but it sure looked out of place. Went to a pub near us on the North Side of the river for a disappointing supper, but went back over to the Storehouse for some more great entertainment afterwards, then headed home at a somewhat more reasonable hour (10:30). Wednesday, pick up a car and head for Kilkenny.
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