We caught the train up to Zebegeny with the intent of finding our riverside cottage and then looking around a bit, but, such is the way of things with Mara, more randomness ensued!!
When we arrived we went into a cafe opposite the train station, that served tea and cakes, with the intent on refueling
....little did we know they were shut with just some close friends inside.
Anyway we walked in an ordered; whilst inside was the art teacher from the local school.
Seeing we were strangers around these parts (what gave it away I wonder...my inability to understand Hungarian perhaps?), wanting to promote the school and being thoroughly bored, m, the art teacher invited us to view her pupils work.
We accepted, drank our tea and trotted over the road to the college. Whilst we perused the works on display, m, chatted happily to Mara, whilst we were both plied with endless supplies of food and alcohol. It is at this point I get worried that we are about to be kidnapped by half-crazed hillbilly Hungarians in the hills and ransomed for a dead cat or something!
Anyway, we eventually leave and are invited for drinks in the bar (over the road) by said new friend.
We accept, still lugging our extensive travel kit (2 small bags), and head to the boozer, where we proceed to get very inebriated (again)
Whilst in the bar, we meet more locals who insist we are their guests (prisoners) and want to buy us drinks (torture us).
We end up going back to another locals house for (more) drinks when the bar shuts. Here we end up staying for the night as we are 1.lost, 2.rat-arsed and 3.hostages.
In the morning, they miraculously let us go, we traipse back to town, get food, walk to where we think the cottage is by the river and dump our stuff.
The cottage is amazing, if only 1/2 built. Really artistic decor and ideas inside. Beautiful location and garden and a lovely place. We also adopt two stray (the neighbors) cats for two days which keep us warm as there is no electric, heating and the water is ice cold.
Originally we were going to stay in a log cabin up on the hillside but something went wrong and we couldn't, but Mara and I walk up to it to have a look at it and again it is another amazing place.
After a strange meal in a hotel, much bad luck and skill trying to light a fire in the evening and a delayed hangover, we crash out.
In the morning we manage to light the fire and cavort by the river for a few hours before heading back to Budapest via Visegrad.
Camping it up, indoors!
Friday, October 01, 2010
Zebegény, Pest, Hungary
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