Lima, just 1 night this time

Monday, December 10, 2012
Lima, Peru
10th Dec

We arrive in Lima to very overcast afternoon . Our taxi driver is waiting for us on arrival, and gets to the hotel promptly, which by the way is very nice. Pity its right in the flight path of the airport.

All trafiic signs, traffic lights are there as an advisory only, and not to be obeyed. We are driving at 80kph in a 35kph zone. Pedestrians are targets and not to be avoided. This is what its like through all of South America so far. Really bad drivers.

Spend the afternoon at a shopping mall about 2ks walk from the hotel. They are very security conscious here. The perimeter of the shopping centre is surrounded by a 3 metre high fence. Security guards write down the cars number plates of all cars and give the driver some sort of ticket as they drive in. Very strange.
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