Opened my eyes this morning and looked out on a peaceful Wellington harbour, a clear blue sky and a small number of gulls walking along the promenade stopping every now and then to chat to the cheery early morning joggers, all running, for some unknown reason, backwards." Wait a minute" , I thought. Last time I looked the gulls didn't like getting up steps, couldn't talk, and most joggers like to run forwards! "Pinch yourself Brett, you must be dreaming". So I did. And yes I was. Got up, drew back the curtains and sure enough, white tops in the harbour, the never ending howl of the wind against the glass and a grey overcast sky. The one difference this morning though was that it was raining. Talk about salt into wounds. I guess the wind must die down some day - and to be honest, I would like to be here on that day. Because this place has a real charm, just a shame it's geographically and meteorogically challenged. So we bid Wellington a fond farewell after breakfast and hit the road north, to make our way to Napier. As is our want, we decided to forego the more direct highway route and took the scenic trail through the Wairarapa wine district. And it was worth it. Very green, very picturesque, and an easy drive. Went through some really nice country towns like, Imawankaurawanka, Huiduinlui, Wairingarongnumba. I got the feeling though, that the lady who lives in the satnav thought so too, and maybe wanted to see more of it. She had us turning off roads that were clearly marked with directions leading us to where we wanted to go, only to have us do backroad loops that brought us back onto the road we had left some twenty minutes before. After the second time this happened, I'll admit I had words with her and did actually threaten her by telling her, " if you like it around here that much, I'll wind the window down now and arrange it for you sweetheart! " . Surprise, surprise, back on highway two into Napier. We did actually take one detour of our own in an effort to find somewhere to stop for lunch. Palmerston North is one of the larger towns down that way so headed off the road for a stop. We found a quaint looking pub on a main corner and ventured in for some refreshments and to peruse their board of fare. We grabbed a drink and sat out of the way before deciding on our sustainence and found our minds made up for us by one of the locals. Our conversation was interupted by a man standing beside us, spit dried in the corners of his mouth, rolling a cigarette and asking us if we had had any luck with the machines. Now in that split second, I ran through my mind any worthwhile situation or conversation that could begin with a question like that. I'm sorry to say dear readers, I came up blank. Suffice to say our drinks were downed quickly and lunch consisted of some pies bought in a local bakery and eaten on the road.
Made it into Napier late in the afternoon and after being told by the lady at the desk that there were plenty of restaurants in the centre of town, wandered off in search
. Note to self - New Zealand provincial towns and public holidays do not bode well for hungry tourists at night. Must remember that one.... Speak to you tomorrow
Road trip from Wellington to Napier
Monday, April 27, 2015
Napier, North Island, New Zealand
Other Entries
1First day away
Apr 252 days priorWellington, New Zealandphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
2A day sightseeing
Apr 261 day priorWellington, New Zealandphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
3Road trip from Wellington to Napier
Apr 27Napier, New Zealandphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 2 -
4A day spent in Napier
Apr 281 day laterNapier, New Zealandphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 4 -
5Wednesday April 29
Apr 292 days laterNapier, New Zealandphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 1 -
6Cross country drive
Apr 303 days laterAuckland, New Zealandphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
7A day in Sydney Jnr.
May 014 days laterAuckland, New Zealandphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
8Cook Islands ahoy
May 014 days laterRarotonga, Cook Islandsphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 2 -
9A tropical island
May 025 days laterRarotonga, Cook Islandsphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 0 -
10Hewey's revenge
May 036 days laterRarotonga, Cook Islandsphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 2 -
11Two Day's Worth
May 058 days laterRarotonga, Cook Islandsphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
12The last couple of days
May 0710 days laterRarotonga, Cook Islandsphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 0