Reving up and winding down

Friday, August 05, 2016
Smolensk, Central Russia, Russian Federation
Hello Friends!
Greetings! I wanted to check in again with you about our recent happenings here in Smolensk in the last couple weeks . One big event that has effected us a bunch was having two of our daughters join us, Bethany and Rachel. It had been about 4 years since they have been back, so there is a lot of joy and excitement for them to return. They are spending time walking the streets remembering their sweet childhoods that were spent here. Rachel's closest friend is getting married so she is busy with that and Beth keeps herself busy meeting with friends around the city. Beth will be off to St Pete in a few days for another adventure. 

Michael and I continue visiting and encouraging the dear brethren here, teaching the word, gathering around the table eating good Russian salads, potatoes, cucumbers from the dacha and barbecue! Enjoying the sweet fellowship!
Victor (the pastor here) and Veka are so precious. We have one mind and are so blessed as we meet and share about the good things of the Lord. After the storms of division over the past few years, we all sense a calm and are so grateful for the "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" . Victor can now lift his eyes and look toward the future, praying about direction and how to reach this city for Christ. One big thing that just happened is they sold the little wooden house where we usually stay and are in the process of purchasing a larger more assessable building in another part of the city. This building will be super convenient for public transportation and very near our main train station. The meeting room will be twice as large as the room at the house and plenty of space for Sunday school and fellowship. Michael and I have not seen it yet but when we do I will post photos so you all can see. There will be lots of opportunity for service projects and we hope to bring a working team next Spring/Summer to work inside and even maybe build a play area outside. The house just sold yesterday so these events are happening as I write this. Victor and another leader named Archie are very active with a volleyball ministry that they started last year. This new location is much closer to this neighborhood where all the players live and Victor hopes will be a natural transition to invite them to Bible studies and events. The venue will be perfect for a future Christian cafe ministry and English club as well. 

It it is great to see the brethren excited to move on and be a light and have an impact on this area. Because of the past divisions this has not been the case for several years. We rejoice to see the body healing and moving forward as one .

Since returning from Kaliningrad 
We had the sweet privilege to meet with my friend here who has an English school. We met and talked with her and some of her students, helping them practice their English and telling about our lives in America. This was in place of an English club which I was hoping to host but didn't work out this year. I am praying about the opportunity of sharing my faith with this sweet new friend and would appreciate prayer about this. We continue our studies in 1 and 2 Kings and Philippians on Sunday's. We've spent more time this summer with our dear Olesya and she has been translating for my women's study. She also needs prayer for direction in her life and for the grace to persevere through some trials she is facing. Michael has met several times with a young man here named Stas who is very open to Spiritual things and very fascinated with America. Michael patiently answers his questions in hope of bringing him a clear understanding of the gospel . We also make time for outings with our friends Dena and her son Sasha, and later today we will take them to the mall and treat them to their first Sushi, which is quite the rage here!
I am posting this photo of two boys I saw as I was walking while Rachel was running around a track near our house. The big boy was teaching the little one how to play soccer (or football as they call it here) as they arrived I could not help but notice how the little boy walked behind, same steps, same backpack, trying to be like the big boy. It was such a picture of what it means to make disciples. The big boy began to model how to make a goal and then he would kick the ball over to the small boy to do the same. When the little boy would make a mistake the big boy would model it again. Sometimes this meant the little boy running across the field to retrieve the ball. This happened over and over.
The Lord reminded me of our job as followers of Jesus. We are called to model the life of Christ and to make disciples.

 Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

This was a great reminder for me. A reminder that it is not merely the big glorious outward things that everybody looks at and praises us for that matter, but no, it is the small obedience of doing what Jesus said. And of course disciples are not made overnight. It takes time and sacrifice, but I believe there is no better way to spend our lives then by obeying this command of Jesus.
 So, as I search for great exciting things to share with you all in this blog...I just step back and want to share faithfully the simple joys of discipling our Russian brothers and sisters. Of course, this looks different with each life because people are in different places in their walks with God, they need our patience and understanding as we walk beside them.
We ask for prayer for wisdom to know best how to fulfill this holy calling.
Today will be a full one as me and the girls are off to the open market to buy souvenirs and then Michael and I will go to the new mall to have dinner with Dena and Saha and then our women's Bible study at Dena's house. Thanks for reading and caring and praying for the brothers and sisters here in Smolensk. I will post more photos of life here and the new facility in the next few days and a final recap as we enter our last week here. 

Michael and Mary Lou 


Becky & Eric Baker

Please greet Dena and Sascha, and Olesya, and Viktor and Veka, for us in Jesus' Name!

Ron Pileggi

Praying and so thankful for all the amazing growth there ML & M! Great overview here too ML...your enthusiasm is contagious just as it always has been! Blessings! Ron


Thank you for the update. Great picture of discipleship. At times I find myself being the older boy, at other times the younger - but always growing.
HI Michael. How are you doing?


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