Hello Friends,
We are home in Seattle! And I feel like I'm finally awake enough to write a final summer post
. Lots to report since the last post. I will just share the last two weeks of our time in Russia as my memory is not the best right now! It was very special this year as two of our girls, Bethany and Rachel joined us in August in Smolensk. Rachel's best friend here in Russia was getting married and she was invited to be a part of that and Bethany was missing Russia so much that she was ready for a good visit. It was so special to walk the streets of our beloved city with them and just reflect on all the good things that our life consists. The girls were a big help to us and they came to the English conversation class I was hosting and of course were a big hit! Rachel also came to the village where I was having a Bible study and she translated for me. That was a treat for sure. Of course she was surrounded by the kids who remember her from years past and it was so precious to see her surrounded by children taking walks down the small village paths. Beth spent every minute she could with her good friend Roxana, and we were once again welcomed into the home of her grandmother and grandfather for a meal and afternoon of visiting
One of the highlights of our summer was spending a significant time with our dear Olesya. She was our first convert back in 1998 as she was working in Baskin-Robbins. Michael and I would take the kids there (to give the kids an American treat) she would be smiling and speaking to us in English and so when a team of Americans came to do outreach and help us establish our church here, we invited her. She came and surrendered her life to Jesus. She is all grown up now and life hasn't always brought what she expected. She has had some disappointments and such and has not always stayed in fellowship. We "happened" to see her when we first arrived and she spent the summer with us, fellowshipping, translating, and just being a blessing. Michael and her could sit for hours as he addressed her many questions and concerns. It just reminds me of the keeping power of Jesus in our lives and that even when we stray from Him and other things fill our lives, that He , the loving shepherd, always has us in His care
. He will never let go of our hand. Our prayer is that she will find a place in the body of Christ and stay close to Jesus.
Another blessing was to see our friend Stas again. We met him several years ago when a team from City Calvary was in Smolensk. He began to meet with Michael throughout the summer and asking many questions about faith. Michael is continuing to write him and help him understand what it means to become a believer and trust in Jesus.
We held two conversation English classes and practiced English with several sweet Russian students. English continues to draw people when we visit. It has been especially wonderful meeting up with our friends again , Natalia and her husband Max , who run the English school that we visited. They had Michael and I over for the most delicious dinner and we talked for hours. We are excited about the things that God is doing in their lives and we are so blessed to see them now for the second summer and continue our friendship
The main thing I left Smolensk with this year is the fact the Christ is building His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. He is able, not us. We are just His workmanship, doing the good works that he prepared beforehand. I am so grateful that it is not up to me or it would be a disaster! With the new "anti-terrorist" (really the anti-evangelism law ) that just passed, it is easy to give way to fear. All the "what if's "come tumbling down to form an avalanche against our faith.
NO! The Lord WILL be exalted in the earth and among the nations Ps 46.
What a comfort and reassurance.
We were so blessed serving and spending time with Victor and Veka. Their faith is evident as they trust the Lord for their lives and for the body in Smolensk. We were also so blessed to have lots of time with them catching up and strengthening the bond of friendship between us. We were encouraged to see the steadfast faith in the hearts of the brothers and sisters, even with the new difficult laws that have been passed in Russia
. The brethren understand what it means to be persecuted for their faith and they are not afraid or troubled but trusting in Gods faithfulness.
After our time in Smolensk, the Lord provided for me to go to the Missions conference in Austria. The speakers shared out of Psalm 46. "Be still and know that I am God." What a comfort to remember that He will be exalted, He will be lifted up. What a special time we had to rest and be strengthened in our faith. What a refreshing experience, seeing brothers and sisters from all over the world!
After the conference, I went to Philadelphia to visit family while Michael was in Seattle.
Now it is Autumn here in Seattle. Michael is back to work for about a month and then will have knee replacement surgery in October. This will be his last year driving a bus full time and we are very excited to see what God may have for us in 2017. We have some ideas and we will keep you posted.
Thank you to all of you who read, pray and care about Russia and our mission there. Thank you for those of you who sacrifice your finances to make our ministry possible. We are so very grateful that almost 20 years ago, God called a simple family who loved Jesus to go across the world and bring His love to the Russian people. Thanks for being a part of it!
In His Faithful love,
Michael and Mary Lou
To contact us: mikeandmarybryan@gmail.com
To financially support this mission:
City Calvary Chapel, 15211 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155
Prayer requests:
*for Victor and Veka and the brothers and sisters in Smolensk and throughout Russia to stand firm and grow in faith and love.
*for the Smolensk church to be blessed as they prepare everything to move into a new building, for the remodel and the finances needed
*for the new law in Russia to not have negative effects on getting visas in the future
*for Oleysa to be encouraged in her faith
*for Stas to understand true salvation in Jesus
*for Michaels upcoming surgery to be successful and all rehilbilitation needed to heal.
End of summer
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Smolensk, Central Russia, Russian Federation
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susie hughes
so many many memories, dear Mary Lou....love susie
Ron Pileggi
Sounds like a great summer and always amazing how you forge ahead in Gods work! So proud to be your friend and look forward to hopefully seeing you in your home town soon!
Ron Pileggi
Sounds like a great summer and always amazing how you forge ahead in Gods work! So proud to be your friend and look forward to hopefully seeing you in your home town soon!