…I drive to the airport ahead of time and board the British Airways plane without problems. I also get a „guaranteed cabin” sticker on my carry-on, which is nice.
…I notice there is plenty of water bottles you can take off a shelf for free at Brussels airport if you donate €1 for charity in exchange. Neat!
…I enjoy the fun security briefing on video featuring famous actors like Ian McKellen or Jim Broadbent
…in London I notice the full body scanner is rarely used, even for transcontinental flights
…I try to check in in a self-check in machine but It refuses, printing an „assistance coupon” instead. It is blank.
…I see a veiled muslim woman scan my baggage before I board a US flight. Weird feeling, that.
...I notice some chatty Americans in the security line. They are loud, as always, but helpful and considerate of others. I like that
...I have my carry-on bag checked and opened as usual.
…I eat a nice lunch and notice calorie content is now cited next to all dishes. Must be American influence. This actually makes me reconsider my meal choice.
…I also eat a scone and get something called „clotted cream” with it. Apparently this is a traditional Welsh delicacy and is the best freaking butter I have ever eaten!
…I board the flight to the US and am greeted with a „happy birthday” by an airline agent, who looks at my passport.
…I really really enjoy the food. I even get the same clotted cream but frozen, strawberry flavored – so it can be butter and it can be ice cream too ☺
…I arrive and I notice there’s a new improvement to the customs procedure – no more forms, everything done on a self-service terminal
…I breeze through migration very fast
…turns out it is still pretty chilly in LA!
…we book a last-minute car deal with Dollar. A lousy company, we have to wait for their shuttle much longer than customers of other rentals plus I get into a fight with the rental clerk who’s trying to push me into buying insurance (turns out no insurance is included). In the end I get the rate I saw online and we drive out uninsured…It’s pretty expensive anyway especially that we will be dropping it off in Utah.
…we are told to pick any car from the FullSize section in the parking lot. We pick a gray Nissan Altima. Not much choice really. Surprisingly, it has Utah plates so we will be delivering it home ☺
…we drive out to the motel and I pick up most of my deliveries there. The room is not bad.