Day 13 on which...

Thursday, May 10, 2018
Moab, Utah, United States
…we get up, eat breakfast and head out to the Arches National Park, our last destination
…we find the park amazing, even though we are pressed for time and cannot visit all of it
…we hike to the Delicate Arch, one of Utah’s most iconic monuments, all three of us and it is a big achievement for Lucy! The views more than make up for the effort.
…I try to fly my drone behind the Arch to take some sunlit photos but the wind is strong and I am afraid I’ll crash it
…we drive on and the scenery slowly changes. Red rocks become white and then the mountain ranges become green. It all becomes more lush and…we arrive in Salt Lake City
…I am amazed at how scenic and beautiful it is
…I enjoy the fact that HOV (high occupancy vehicles, meaning drive + at least 1 passenger) don’t have to pay toll on Utah highways
…we visit a supermarket and I see still nowhere in America uses coins for shopping carts
…I see steel patches placed over potholes in roads, a familiar sight from our first visit to NYC
…it starts to rain a little so I use my wipers for the first time since Yosemite!
…we reach Adrian’s house and he has a superb view over the whole city from his hill! I drive out to a shopping mall 45 minutes away and admire majestic mountain scenery
…I go back and realize some people don’t use headlights here even after dark!
…I see posters for a campaign: Our goal, zero road casualties! a supermarket I see clever examples of cross-selling: a box of muffins with a label "great with strawberries!" placed right next to... strawberries
...I notice a funny cooler drink called "Zima" (Polish for "winter") in the supermarket too and also there is a shelf where you can pick&mix your own sixpack of beers from different varieties available. Neat!
…I see the first Arby’s since a long time ago, must be a Salt Lake City favorite
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