…I get up in the morning and drive to the airport…
…where I return the car and the Dollar attendant makes fun of me for not trusting him with the key.
I mean he has no uniform!
…the terminal is so small I get confused and go to the security check with my checked bag!
…I see customs dogs for sniffing drugs and weapons and they look pretty cute but have “do not pet” badges on them!
…I get my new car and get an upgrade from compact to an SUV!
…my new car has two identical key remotes chained to one another and one of them is dead so I scratch the dead remote so I know which one to use
…it also has a small side mirror glued to the main side mirror, which helps a little with the blind spot problem here
…I find that the dry air of California, Utah and Arizona deserts is really getting to my nose but it makes for beautiful photos
…I decide to visit the Mojave desert as my last highlight of the trip
…I book a motel at the only town of any size in the area – Barstow – and I get a really nice deal
…I visit the Mojave visitor center in Barstow and it turns out the guy who’s manning the counter is Irish…of all places ☺
…I visit a few places in the desert, fly the drone for the last time and go back
…I encounter some minor sandstorms on the way back from the desert and some booths blocking the road with a sign: “agricultural inspection”. Go figure.
…I eat a huge Mexican salad in my favorite joint: Pollo Loco