Day 15 on which...

Saturday, May 12, 2018
Barstow, California, United States
...I conclude replacing eggs with eggs whites (in anything from burgers to salads to probably scrambled eggs as well) offered as an option in many restaurants now must be seen as another stupid fad in the never ending list of developed world people trying to lose weight in all the wrong ways
…I drive back to LA and make a stop at Ontario Mills mall, one of California’s biggest and very different from others in that all the stores are in a single building like in Europe. Very convenient.
…I shop and then hurry back to the airport, stuck a little in unrelenting LA traffic.
…I fill the car up at a gas station next to the airport and I notice Shell stations have a persistent problem with my card, in that they deny it at the pump and I have to prepay with the attendant inside. Verrrrry annoying, especially when you’ve almost missed your flight.
…I also notice my Hyundai has such a weird tank opening lever I have to actually reach for the manual to find it. Bingo. It’s in the driver’s door. Duh!
…I make it back to LAX and at the precise moment I hand the keys over to the attendant I see that a message came to my phone a few hours earlier saying my flight is 3 hours late, so I needn’t have hurried…
…I relax in the terminal and pick up my “complimentary food voucher” for $15 from Air New Zealand as a way of saying sorry we’re late. This is exactly enough for a bagel and coffee at LAX. Still, a nice coffee.
…I am surprised to see an airport staff member moving around the terminal on a…bicycle
…I appreciate seats in LAX waiting rooms have cupholders. You can see this still America
...I notice one of the passangers tries to put her dog sticking his head from her bag through the bag scanner
…I see there is a separate plane boarding ramp for business passengers on my plane. Nice.
…we take off and I once again enjoy fabulous Air New Zealand service, food and accent. oh and the lights on the plane ceiling simulate times of day, so it’s dark blue at night and slowly becomes brighter and brighter as the dawn breaks (in our current time zone). Very cool.
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