Day 16 on which...

Sunday, May 13, 2018
London, England, United Kingdom
…I land, bleary-eyed, and take the airport train from terminal 5 to terminal 2. Incidentally, I board a first class carriage. Does this matter? Oh and the train is made by the Indian megacorp TATA
…I go through the security check and they single out my bags for manual search again. Of course.
…they find a bottle of water I forgot and they bin it… of course.
…I run because I am already quite late and at the gate when a self-checkin machine refuses to issue a boarding pass for me… I freak out thinking: I missed it.
…it turns out the plane is still there but it is… full. So they’ll put me on another flight 3 hours later
...which gives me 3 hours to enjoy a nice scone and read and GBP220 as compensation on a nice prepaid bank card. Thank you very much.
…I realize after going through the security check my flashlight-cum-taser will have been on board a plane with me not once, not twice but three times now! (flight from Utah, flight to London and flight to Brussels). Wow, how did I forget and most importantly how did no one notice on the scanner???
…I relax and have a burger, waiting for my flight. I notice waiters at the restaurant have funny name tags with many different country flags surely indicating languages they can speak. Mine has the Union Jack and the Italian flag. A dead giveaway as to his country of origin ☺
…I land in Brussels ultra-tired but happy!
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