Today's German comedy word: Evershagen = the name of a small town spotted on the train from Rostock to Warnemunde!! (I kid you not. Check your atlas!!)
Distance from Warnemunde to Stockholm: 470 nautical miles
Total distance sailed: 470 nautical miles
The alarm went off at 8am on the dot
. Another smooth night as the MSC Sinfonia has glided its way across the Baltic to Stockholm. Looking out of the window, the ship was still cutting its way through the water as some of the 24,000 islands that make up the archipelago passed by. This is allegedly one of the prettiest approaches to any port in the word. So much so that yesterday evening we were encouraged to step out on deck at about 4am this morning when we would have started our approach and enter the archipelago. No thank you. I'll wait for the DVD to come out!!
The name of Stockholm literally speaking means log island – log in Swedish is "stock", while "holm" means, obviously, island!! Legend has it that when Sigtuna – the old capital of what started to be referred to as Sweden – got into problems with bandit gangs attacking it, the leaders decided to find a new spot. A popular method of dealing with trouble in those days, just move as space is not really an issue!!
We have been to Stockholm twice before in recent years
. Once with a cruise and once for a four day mini break. In researching things to do prior to the cruise, I came across an interesting fact: At the last general election, Sweden’s 9th most voted for political party was The Donald Duck Party. They promised free beer and wider sidewalks!! Crazy I know!! Some may even say 'Quackers’!! (but not me. I’ve moved on from the Wee Jimmy Cranky book of 70s corny jokes!!)
I have visited Stockholm many times in my life but one place I have never been is a place known as 'Skogskyrkogård’. This is a cemetery in Södermalm, Stockholm’s largest island and only a short metro journey from where we dock. I don’t make a habit of visiting graveyards when I go away but this is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is badged as a woodland cemetery and although it doesn’t have as many famous residents as its counterpart Norra begravningsplatsen,Greta Garbo is buried there.
As we headed toward the deck en route to the breakfast buffet we both saw what lay ahead for the rest of the day
. The decks were sodden with constant torrents of water cascading over the canopies that covered the deck from the lift at midships to the aft buffet area. This didn’t look good. The men (or women!) at the Met Office seem to have got it right on this occasion. Looking up to the heavens this rain was not going to go away anytime soon. I checked my Money, Money, Money and like Martin Luther King I turned to Roisin and said: ‘I had a dream. I was Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo and you were Chiquitita. I turned to Napoleon and said: Look here old chap. I’m tired of all this killing. Heads or Tails? Winner Takes it All? ‘Non!’ he said. C’mon Boney! Take a Chance on Me!!!’ With all the Abba references now exhausted, we decided on Plan B: A visit to the Abba Museum!! (Yay!!)
Stockholm is a city that has so much to see and there are so many countless photo opportunities. Unfortunately today was not the day to seize this great chance!! However, I have written extensively about Stockholm on past visits
. For those who have not yet ‘had the pleasure’ just follow these links:
One day Stockholm in 2009 with MSC Opera
Four day Stockholm trip in 2013
The Abba Museum stands on an island called Djurgården. Although this island is clearly visible from the ship, it is not walkable, there is no metro that serves Djurgården and the hop on-hop off bus cost €35 each. We decided to take the ferry. The round trip takes about one hour and the ticket is valid for twenty four hours. The cost £24 for both of us. I was surprised that the ticket office didn’t take cash, only debit or credit card.
Abba: the museum was the last stop on the round trip. This was a pleasant way to travel despite the inclement weather. All these ferry boats are equipped with head phones that provide a running commentary on the history and attractions of Stockholm. We passed the Royal Palace and the exclusive area of Strandvägen where an apartment could set you back millions of Euro just to have an exclusive view
Stockholm is flanked either side by two bodies of water, the Baltic to the east and Lake Malären to the west. The lake is slightly higher than the Baltic. We next passed a series of locks (Slussen) that controls the flow of traffic between the two.
We passed the Vasa museum which houses the Vasa, a warship from the 16th century that lasted 20 minutes on its maiden voyage before sinking due to dodgy ballast!! The wreck was raised in 1961 and has been painstakingly restored to its former glory. Our boat docked at Tivoli Gröna Lund. This contains Europe’s highest near vertical roller coaster but remained eerily dormant as the park only opens at weekends during this time of year.
A short walk and Agneta, Benny, Björn and Annifred (Freda) beckoned. The bizzare thing was that this attraction did not take cash either. Not for the entrance fee nor in the gift shop. I thought I’d never get to say this but I couldn’t give the cash away!! How strange!! Has Sweden become the first truly cashless society?
The exhibition starts at the teen years of all the Abba stars
. From Bjorn and his skiffle group to Agneta and her folk choir. Actual stage gear worn by this super (trouper) Group were on display with the iconic costumes worn at that eventful evening in Brighton in 1974 that set them on their way to becoming legends and influential in the history of music, taking centre stage!.
There were quite a few interactive features to keep you occupied. You could become the fifth member of Abba. If Bob joined the group they could have called themselves ‘Babba’ and if Astrid, Leonard and Ingrid were successful at the auditions they could have formed a seven piece band and called themselves ‘ALI BABBA!!’
You could sing along and down load your track to the www! If singing’s not your thing, you could remix Dancing Queen and compare your final output to the original sound engineer and producer Michael Tretow. I was a little heavy on the bass and not enough chorus! I scored so low the machine said: ‘Ask the Rubettes. They may give you a job!!’
The final section of the museum was dedicated to the Swedish Museum Hall of Fame. From the fifties all the way up to the present day, there were clips of Swedish groups. With the exception of Ulf Lundell all others seem to consist of that year’s entry for the Eurovision Song Contest!! But in recent years Roxette and Ace of Bass have taken to the world stage although none have become as big as Sweden’s biggest ever export, ABBA; even bigger than Volvo and IKEA combined!! This museum is indeed a must for all Abba fans (and who isn’t??)
Back on board and we have received yet another letter in our cabin
. As there has been a lack of Interest there will be no Anal Cruise in the English language. Obviously the title must have put people off and doesn’t have the same connotation in other languages!! Just to clarify, the printer had failed to print the ‘C’ at the beginning of the title. Although we were both looking forward tremendously to a canal cruise then visiting St Peter and Pauls fortress we can’t help feeling a little relieved. Despite the literature stating that the tour to Catherine’s Palace and the canal cruise have been designed to complement each other (one am and the other pm) we were advised on two different occasions that this is not recommended due to the strict immigration procedures in Russia. It is possible that one will not have time for lunch or even worse, miss the afternoon tour!!
Our dining neighbour’s strolled in again for dinner at 6:45pm whilst we were awaiting our dessert. This is despite the Daily programme stating that the first sitting starts at 6pm and the doors will be closed at 6:15. Nobody has said anything to them yet. The waiter is still happy to take their order. This just seems very rude. If they want to choose a time to suit themselves they should eat in the buffet. As usual, the Maître D was nowhere to be seen.
It has been an enjoyable day today despite the weather. Final word to Abba – Thank you for the Music!!
Stockholm (Here we go again – My, my!)
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
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Claire B
So happy you had your pic taken as part of ABBA, made my day Chris!