Waimea Canyon

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Kilauea, Hawaii, United States
Today we got up and started early. We headed for Wiamea canyon for hiking and site seeing. at our first stop we saw an awesome view of the canyon, pics below. Took a narrow windy road to get there, kind of like Rabbit Ears Pass in Colorado, but narrower and windier...and no cyclists.

we planned a hike on Canyon Ridge trail, which should have taken us on a nice hike to a small waterfall and big waterfall . when we stopped for a trail map, we found out the waterfalls are dry right now, Made no sense to us, with all the rain we are seeing, but apparently, November was dry, some of our group still did the hike. It was pretty slippery and muddy, so I only did part,but it was still a fun hike with some good views.

saw some cute little mountain goats too.

Our all wheel drive came in handy today (we rented a Ford Explorer)...it's huge, We took the dirt road (trail) a mile down to pick up Gary's Dad since he was running late to get back in time for a luau. As usual, driving with Gary was an adventure, especially in a rental. No damage though, just a few scary moments.

After the hike, the family group kind of split up. Gary and I checked out a nearby beach, then headed home, stopping at very nice waterfall on the way..see pic and video, Had dinner while we were out..local fish..Ono.. A nice fresh white fish,

Relaxing at home, turned on White Christmas while emailing and writing. Guess you can't get away from that movie anywhere,



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