Last day in Krakow and heading to Amsterdam

Thursday, June 04, 2015
Krakow, Southern Poland, Poland
I had a very good night's sleep and woke up feeling ready to do a few
more things before I had to head to the airport for my next stop . I
wandered down to the Square to get some breakfast. Stopped at a nice
coffee shop and got a museli with yogurt and fresh fruit and a fresh
orange juice. I ate this sitting in the Square watching the early
morning activity. I had noticed them setting up some metal staging the
day before but thought it was for this film festival that is happening
next week. Unfortunately, I found out it was a Catholic holiday (Corpus
Christi?) and all the museums and many of the stores were therefore
closed. Boo! I was planning on checking out the museum that runs under
the square about the history of Krakow, but no. And I was going to
browse the stands in the Cloth Hall again, but no. So I just wandered
the Square for awhile and then headed back to the hotel to pack, check
out and head for the bus station.

My flight to Amsterdam wasn't
until 4:55 but check out was noon and I wasn't sure how long the bus
ride would be, or if the buses would be running less often due to the
holiday . A bus came shortly after I got to the stop and it took about
an hour to get to the airport. Being early, the check in counter wasn't
even open so I took advantage of the free Wi-fi and got lunch at the
little cafe. Finally a Greek Salad! I needed some veggies after all
the heavy food I had the last few days. The Krakow Airport also has an
observation deck that costs 2 PLN to visit. That was neat!

I could check in and went to wait at the gate. It was very busy at
this small airport. Everyone was able to board at the same time, but
that was because you go from the gate to a bus that takes you to the
plane. So there was no boarding by row or class, you just got on.

flight was about 2 hours and we got a sandwich and a cookie. I saved
my sandwich and ate it when I arrived at my hotel. It had some
delicious cheese! Landed in Amsterdam, got my bag, found my bus and off
I went. My stop was near one of the museums and I had to ask at a
tourist stand how to get to the right street to follow my pre-printed
Google directions as I didn't know which way north was . I followed
their directions and shortly found my hotel, the Hotel Piet Hein. It's
right next to a park which I will check out tomorrow. It was 8:30 when I
arrived so no time to do anything. My room is a small single with a
small bathroom, but I don't need much. The window opens right onto the
bed so I can't have it open too much or I would bang into it in my
sleep! It's nice and cool out and I am enjoying listening to the
birds. Still very bright out and it's already 9:45!
Other Entries



Ah yes, the religious holidays in Catholic countries challenge!

Most guidebooks list them, but we have forgotten to check too. Even in countries like Italy and France where no one except old ladies in black goes to church, they shut down for the religious holidays. We got caught on Ascension Thursday years ago in Provence.

Now watch out for the Euro! After the cheap zlotys, now everything is a bit MORE expensive than you think. Fortunately, these days the exchange rate is more in your favor. But the difference shows up in the kind of room you get for your money. It looks charming though. We've had rooms like that. I can see that the window could be a bit annoying. But all the light should keep you from feeling claustrophobic.

We love Amsterdam. And they are unlikely to have any religious shutdowns!


Next time, ask at your hotel if you can leave your luggage there for a few hours after you check out. I don't know if they do that in Europe, but we do it often (as well as leaving it if we arrive too early for check in) in Latin America. They are used to this, and they keep it in a secure area. Your Amsterdam room is very cute!


The room looks small indeed but it also looks clean and that's important. Hope you have a great day. Nice to know you do exist!!


You can definitely leave your luggage with the hotel in Europe. We've done it a lot, including nearly a week in Santiago while we hiked the Camino with just our backpacks. Now, we made sure to stay overnight at that hotel while starting and finishing the Camino.


Yes I know you can leave your luggage, but I didn't have anything else to do with everything closed so I just went to the airport. And then I wasn't sure how often the bus would go with it being a holiday so better to be safe than sorry!


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