It's summer season in India with beautifully sunny days and the mercury standing usually around 40 degrees. And yes, of course we're loving it! This hot time of the year is also the season for mangos. There are loads of varieties and we devouring them daily by the kilos ;-).
In the meantime Claudia has finished her first course in Yoga Teacher Training with the advanced course due to start beginning of June. Claudia is fully motivated and happy about this new venture and opportunity. Training has been strenuous at times and always interesting. Apart from Asanas (physical training) the course also included Pranayama (breathing techniques), Meditation, ethics, philosophy and internal cleansing techniques (yes, this involved rushing to the bathroom several times and is called 'Shankaprakshalana' for those who want to look it up ;-)).
Roger is also keeping fit with badminton 3-4 times a week as well as cricket practice on the weekends.
We also attended our first IPL cricket match. Roger actually understands the rules and enjoyed the game.
While I quite frankly found it rather boring. The atmosphere in the stadium with 40'000 spectators was an experience to behold though! What a mad crowd of fans! Fantastic! Last weekend we were also invited by our Indian neighbours to watch the IPL final at their place. It was Chennai versus Hyderabad but unfortunately our team lost. Still it was a fun filled evening with great company and lots of delicious food.
On weekends we're often travelling but when we are in Hyderabad, we like to meet up with friends going to a scrumptious brunch (which definitely takes up all of Sunday) or a nice wine&dine event at one of the fancy hotels. Just the other evening Roger won the first prize on determining the mystery wine correctly by the grape and country. So, even though we reduced massively on alcohol, we obviously haven't lost that skill completely ;-).
Tom B.
Congratulations to you both - Claudia on her Yoga-teacher certificate and Roger on this impeccable sens of taste that won hin a first prize ;). Sorry again for not being available for a Skype-session last Saturday - time was so running out onus, we didn't manage to do half the things we wanted to... but we'll talk again soon hopefully. Bst wishes, Tom