Lazy Sunday

Sunday, April 23, 2017
Durham, North Carolina, United States
We looked for churches near us and ended up at Holy Cross - "founded by the Society of Jesus to serve the African American Catholics of Durham". It was a great choice. Before mass started they had all the guests stand and introduce themselves (and there were 4 people 3 rows in front of us visiting from Ireland!). The 12 member choir with a piano and a drummer raised the rafters and made beautiful noise - hand clapping and joyful songs. At the end of mass at least 3 women came up to me and shook my hand and welcomed me and hoped maybe we would come back again. And one came up to tell us she was from Memphis, lived here now but had just visited Memphis last week. If I lived here I would come back. I wonder if our church welcomes people as warmly as this church. And I wish the music at our 8:45 mass was as uplifing and joyful as this. The priest was great - he reminded me of Fr. Patrick with his enthusiasm and his really great sermon about Doubting Thomas. The stained glass window at the entrance to the church "depicts the Acacia Tree, a tree that is native to Africa. It has deep roots and survives through drought and famine. It is a strong tree that provides shelter, food and nourishment". 

Raining and cold. Nasty miserable day. But we can't complain - the first rain we've had in 2 weeks, and if it's going to rain, better now than in Savannah or Charleston or the beach.  
We drove to downtown Raleigh to the City Market and had brunch at Big Ed's. There's a place next door called "ArtSpace" where artists can have studio space, show people what they do, have a place to sell their work, but it was closed.

Then drove past the capitol but it was so nasty, there was no place to park to take a photo, and we didn't really want to drive around and see more so we decided to go back to the hotel and spend the afternoon reading, napping and planning our final week of vacation. More rain tomorrow, then good weather for the rest of the time.

Solar wiggle things - I have a flower that sits on my dashboard. This is a collection of all sorts of ones. I want the flamingo on the top shelf.   
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